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Chrys woke up later that day ad saw Jace looking at her picture on the wall, “What time is it?” she asked groggily. Jace jumped and turned to look at her.

“You were asleep for almost two hours, so about three. Is this what your hangovers are like? Just sleep?”

“Only until my headache goes away. I’m the kind of person that sleeps through the pain until it stops. So it’s gone now. Why were you looking at my pictures?” Chrys asked getting out of bed and went over to Jace.

“Just curious. But I like the recent ones more. They show the person I know.” He kissed the top of her head and looked at the newspaper article pinned up. Chrys followed his gaze and froze when she saw it. She kept it up there so she had a memento of her parents, but it also brought back memories of the orphanage too. “This is about your parents isn’t it?”

Chrys took a shaky breath and whispered, “And me. Read it.” She took it down and handed it to him.

Jace read: Two parents and their three-day old daughter were hit by a teenaged driver. Both cars ended up rolling twice. The only survivor of this fatal crash is the unnamed daughter of Rob and Vanessa Hayes, who planned to name her that night and return to the hospital the next day. The Hayes’ died on the spot while the teenaged boy, whose name has not been released, died later that evening in the hospital. Nobody knows what cause the accident and probably never will. Let’s just hope that the little girl who is now an orphan will have a blessed and easy life.

“They found out that the other driver was reaching for his food. Crummy way to die, but at least my parents were happy. And I hope they’re proud of me now.” She gave Jace a small smile. He stood in front of her and wrapped her in a hug.

“I love you. Always remember that because it’ll never go away,” he mumbled into her ear.

“I love you too, Jace,” Chrys said into his shirt.

“What happened to Jay?” he smirked at her. Chrys looked up at him and scrunched her eyebrows together. “Before you fell asleep earlier you called me Jay.” Chrys turned red and opened her mouth to tell him something, but he beat her to it. “I liked it,” he smiled at her.

“Fine then. I love you too Jay. But I’m starving, so let’s get something to eat.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the kitchen. Chrys started digging through the cabinets. “Daisy doesn’t have the things I need to make what I want,” Chrys whined.

“What do you want to eat because she has practically everything because of Tabby,” Jace asked confused.

“I want to make a parfait thing,” Chrys stuck out her bottom lip. She looked up at Jace and got an evil grin.

“Fine, we’ll go somewhere, but we have to take Vi home first because knowing her she has some design or something.” Jace went to get Vi while Chrys went into Tabby’s room.

“Hey we’re taking Vi home and getting something to eat, so I don’t know when I’ll be back.”

“Ok text me when you’re on your way back,” Daisy said nonchalantly while scrolling down on the laptop.

“That one,” Tabby said pointing to the screen.

“Umm, what are you two doing?” Chrys asked walking over to them.

“We’re trying to find where her birth parents are, so she could contact them and such. We’ll tell you what we find tomorrow.”

“Why tomorrow and not tonight?”

“We both know that you’re going to spend the night over there,” Tabby giggled. Chrys grabbed a pillow and threw it at her. Daisy and Tabby both started laughing as she walked out into the hall.

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