Truffles, Food Fight and a Movie

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“Get it through your thick skull Chrys. I don’t love you and I don’t know why I ever did as a matter of fact. You’re selfish, weak and vulnerable. I only dated you for your body and to impress my friends and maybe get some, but you just have to be old fashioned and wait til marriage. That’s the only reason why I asked for you to marry me. I was going to get a divorce as soon as I could. I didn’t want some orphan with me,” Levi sneered at Chrys.

“Lee, please you know that’s not true. You loved me, you still might. Remember your paintings. Remember hiking and all the other stuff please. I love you. I don’t know what will happen without you in my life. You said it didn’t matter I was an orphan; you said it made you fall harder for me. You told me all of that stuff didn’t matter as long as you had me. Please,” Chrys begged and her eyes filled with tears.

“It’s Levi. I only said all that to make you fall for me. I never cared for you right from the beginning. Why can’t you see it was all a game? To get in your head and heart and screw with you. Now get out of my house,” Levi pushed her outside and Chrys started crying and didn’t know where to go.

Chrys shot straight up and looked around her trying to remember where she was and what happened. And it all came back, Levi breaking up with her, meeting Jace and Vi and the girly night. She rubbed her eyes and took deep breaths to try to stop her from crying. It was just a dream. He’d never say those things. I’m positive, Chrys thought.

She decided to go into the kitchen for some milk. Chrys got up and wrapped a blanket around her. She tip-toed to the door and was trying to be quiet, so she wouldn’t wake up Vi. Although she was still snoring very loud, she didn’t want to risk it. She was going down the stairs and she saw that the lights in the kitchen were on. She furrowed her eyebrows together and walked to the kitchen even quieter than before if that was even possible. She poked her head in real quick and saw that it was Jace with sugar on his face and all over the counter. She laughed and Jace grabbed and wooden spoon and pointed it at her.

“Jeez, don’t sneak up on me like that. You almost gave me a heart-attack,” Jace said holding his hand with the spoon over his heart.

“Sorry, but you look funny with sugar on your face. What happened anyways?” Chrys laughed.

“Honestly, I have no idea. I went to grab confectioner’s sugar and poof. It was everywhere. Vi is gonna kill me. Anyways why you up at…what time is it…two in the morning?” he questioned.

“Bad dream and couldn’t fall back asleep. It was too real. You and Vi were really good at distracting me, too bad I can’t get distracted while I’m asleep,” she sighed. “Why’re you up?”

“Never fell asleep actually. My parents are coming and I don’t have a girlfriend, so they’re gonna be on me and I decided to start the truffles to clear my mind a bit. I’m sorry ‘bout your dream though. Want to help?” he asked and raised an eyebrow. She just looked at him. “It’ll help take your mind off things,” he sang.

“Fine. What are we doing?” she sighed.

“Trying to save all of this so we don’t have to go to a mini mart,” he laughed. “We’re making the middles and then we let them freeze for a bit and we roll them into balls,” he smiled at her. She shook her head and smiled. And they both started to clean up the kitchen. “Hey Chrys, can you come here for a minute?” he asked.

“Er, okay. Why?” she asked as she walked over to where he was by the sink.

“For this,” he laughed and threw sugar at her.

“Jace!” she screamed and grabbed flour and threw it at him. Jace just laughed and grabbed two eggs from the fridge. “Jace, you wouldn’t. Please, no,” she begged backing away from him and ran into the island. “Jace stop,” she laughed. He brought his hands down and Chrys turned around to get more flour in her hands. When she heard a crack and her hair was all gooey, she turned around very slowly. “Tell me you just didn’t,” she whispered.

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