dear somebody

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I know you have to deal with me a lot. You stay with me through my really high highs and my extremely low lows. You are always offering to help from mental breakdowns to homework. You are honestly the nicest person I know. Whenever you talk to me your words wrap me up in what feels like a warm hug.
I know hiding can be hard sometimes, I know it's painful you can't tell me you love me back or call me pretty but I don't mind. Why? Because when it all comes down to it it's just us and the feeling we share. No one else needs to has to know.
I know it's wrong to be this needy and jealous, but you enjoy it. You feel it too. You feel the anger boiling in your stomach when someone is too close and you partially whimper when I have to leave and you understand.
I know sometimes you feel like a bother, like the hiding is too much, that your emotional state us something I can't deal with, or that the distance is too much. I don't care. You're never a bother i want you around all the time. I don't deal with you I love you and the distance can suck but it'll feel 100 times better when we share our first hug or kiss. It'll make us more graceful. Lastly, our minds are both screwed up, I think that's why we're amazing together.
I know you know that I love you, but I also want you to know I appreciate you. I appreciate the help and the paragraphs and all of the I love yous we share rarely.

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