~ reminder ~

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I'm so proud of you. You're my strong little baby. My strong little baby who may have a hard time every September and my strong baby to may not always get to keep up being strong and that's okay. It's okay to cry. It's okay to be upset. I still love you happy or sad. I'll always love you and I'm always gonna be here for you. You're such a good person. You care about literally everyone and everything even if the thing you're caring about isn't alive. You're the sweetest thing with your little paragraphs and random posts about me. They make my day, just like you do. God, I love you. I appreciate you. You're my best friend and you've somehow became the only thing I want. (I'd never change it.) The only reason I worry so much is because it's you. It's the love of my life. A girl so kind and beautiful that she could be easily taken away and I'd have no idea what to do. Speaking of beautiful. You. Are. Beautiful. Inside and out. With your pretty long hair and nice hands and cute lil nose. The color your cheeks get when you catch me looking at you or when I tell you I love you. Those lips that make my heart stop and your pretty lil tummy. Your neck that I wanna give kisses and the hips and booty I wanna hold. Your muscular back that I wanna rub when you get home from swimming. Your pong "monkey arms" that are really cute and i can't wait to be held by them. Lastly, your pretty eyes that are constantly changing and trapping new colors in them. God they're so beautiful it's unreal. You're unreal. You're so flawless and pretty with your talents. You're a good writer and swimmer (ImSOPROUDOFTHEAWARD) and you're so smart (despite what grades and tests say) you're my smarty pants and I love it I love having a smart nerdy girlfriend it's just another thing about you that i brag about. AND YOU'RE SO GOOD AT MAKEUP. I ALWAYS TEASE YOU FOR TAKING 2 HOURS TO DO IT BUT WATCHING YOU IS SO NICE IT MAKES ME WANNA SMOOSH YOUR CHEEKS TOGETHER AND KISS YOU SO HARD. Okay..I'm good. I'm proud of you for making it this far. I'm proud of you when you get a good grade or get a swim award but I'm also proud when you complete a test and don't get a good grade and when you go to a meet and don't place. I'm proud of you for winning and I'm proud of you for simply existing. I'm number one rachel trash !1!1! But you're my girl and I'm always proud. I know we're having a hard time with your seasonal depression and I know that it's the first time we've been together during it but we're going to get through this. I still wanna marry you and have a life with you and hold you and meet you. This is just another rough spot and we'll get through it. Even if it means ending it in September and end our 8 months and start over. I still love you and i don't think a number of years or months will describe how much we love each other. I don't care if people think we arent that in love because we took a break for your mental health and we only have a few months. I don't care what anyone says. Our relationship is different and we've been through a lot and we can make it through. We've collectively dated 8 months and then 2 months and the then like 1 month made up of random days so that's like 11 months of dating. Plus a year and a half of you loving me and a year of of me loving you. If time somehow in someway did describe love we're covered. But only us can comprehend the love we have for each other and I won't let anyone or anything get in the way of that. We know what we have and that's totally okay with me. (Plus since our anniversary is no longer valentine's day it means we get 2 romantic days instead of one.)

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