Chapter Fifteen

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"We doing this?" Brian sat at the poker table with Bry and Walt, waiting to record a new TESD episode. He always tried to make sure that he recorded one or two episodes before he left on tour so that the other guys wouldn't be waiting on him.

"Yeah, I just got to get this microphone set up." Bry adjusted the microphone in front of him, looking to see if the connection was secure.

"So no Jackie again this week, huh?" Walt asked.

"She's already left for the tour. She always leaves before us. She makes sure that the venues are clean and everything we need is there before we get there. It's easier for her if she is a day ahead of us at each venue." Brian picked up his phone and checked it to see if he had missed any texts from her.

"Wow. So she really earns her keep then." Walt teased. "What do I have to do to get some woman to do everything for me?"

"Isn't that what your wife is for?" Brian shot back.

"Shoot. You know if I asked my wife to do those things she'd backhand me." Walt laughed.

"Yeah I already tell Suzanne to do everything for me. " Bry chimed in.

"Oh, yeah? How's that working out for you?" Brian chuckled a little.

"She just keeps her ass in the bed all day and does nothing." Bry laughed.

"No, that's not true. She does somethings for you, right?" Brian asked, trying to let Bry dig himself out of the hole.

"No, yeah. She does the laundry and stuff. Even though she washes my clothes with the towels and I've told her not to a million times." Bry answered.

"Well see, that's something." Brian said. "Jackie doesn't do our laundry. She'll take our dry cleaning in and pick it up for us but she doesn't really do laundry. At least you get that."

"But she does your laundry now that you're dating, right?" Walt asked.

"No." Brian shook his head. "I mean, you know, she's not my mother. I wouldn't tell her not to do it, but I'm not gonna be like 'bitch do my laundry'."

"Ok, this is set and ready to go." Bry motioned to his microphone. "We're recording."

"Hello and welcome back to another episode of Tell 'em Steve Dave .This is Bryan and I have Walt and BQ with me."

"What's on your minds, guys? What's the one burning topic that you've wanted to talk about today?" Walt asked.

Brian started to speak but then closed his mouth again.

"What? What is it?" Walt asked. "You looked like you were going to say something and then you just stopped."

"Ok. Well, this isn't TESD related but it's something I want to get your opinions on." Brian told them.

"Alright." Bry and Walt said in unison.

"I don't know. I'm probably shooting myself in the foot here." Brian sat back in his chair and then leaned forward again and folded his hands on the table in front of him.

"Is this about someone?" Walt asked.

Brian nodded. "Yes."

"Someone we may have been talking about before we started recording?" Bry pried.

Again, Brian nodded. "Yes."

"I mean, I think it's already out there. It's just you confirming or denying, right?" Walt urged.

"Yeah. Yeah, I guess so." Brian said.

"Ok." Walt emphasized the O sound.

"So I'm seeing someone." Brian started.

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