Chapter 1

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Author's note
(Y/N) : your name



(Y/n) get up you're going to be late for your first day at school! Kyoya its only 6 am. Class doesn't start until 8:30. I said in a tired voice. I have important business at the school so you need to come with me, So get up and come downstairs before

I leave you here.

Time skip brought to you by a annoying Kyoya....


(Y/n) what did you do last night why are you so sleepy. Kyoya had a worried look in his eyes I could see he was concerned. Dad really wanted me to do something and I didn't want to disappoint him so I stayed up all night trying to impress . I replied with a sigh. Try to get enough sleep next time

I don't want you sleeping in class and getting bad grades okay . Kyoya said with a smirk on his face. I heard kyoya start talking about something.

I wasn't paying attention I was too busy deep in thought wondering if the past would repeat itself itself wondering if I can't deal with the stress of my old life back in America.

I saw kyoya waving his hand in front of my face which made me get out of deep thought. We are here Kyoya said with the smile on his face. He told me that he'll be right back. He had to go get my schedule so he could walk to class with me .

I sat on the bench in front of the school waiting for him to come back. While waiting 2 guys walk up to me coming out of their car when was very tall and silent and the other one was like you kind of look like a sixth grader they come up and and the small one that look like the cute little six grader asked me why I was sitting out here but before I could answer the tall one interrupted me and said mitsukuni that's not nice

I smile at his politeness and say it's okay an answer the boys question. My brother had to go do something but he will be right back. The young boy sit by me and tells me his name is honey. He than ask my name and

I say with a smile that my name is (y/n) . Well nice to meet you (y/n)but I have to leave. I have important business to handle hopefully I'll see you around school

(POV Honey)
I was walking up to the school when I saw this pretty girl she was sitting on a bench so

I just had to approach her I told her my name and she told me her name was (y/n) is it was unforgettable I would have stayed the rest of the time with her until her brother got back but I have to go to the club I hope I can see you again

After honey left Kyoya came back up to me with my schedule. I was so happy to see him.

I hate being alone by myself especially after what happened. He started to show me all my classes and make sure that I knew where I was going. He left me in my first class because he said he had important business that

I couldn't know about.

I just sat there in my first class thinking about what a year I had last year before

I knew it the bell rang and everyone was in their seats. The teacher called me out which pulled me out of my deep thoughts everyone was staring at me the teacher told me to come up to the class introduce myself but being the shy person I was I just couldn't do it so

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