Chapter 9

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Y/n pov
Tamaki just looked at me I started to give him a look of concerned. I yeld RIGHT....... RIGHT

Yes of course I am your friend why would you even ask that questions? He looked at me with a equally worried face.

Well because tamaki you are different I know we have only knew each other for like a week now but the tamaki that I met knew how to make any one smile. I started to laughing a little.

My eyes widened when I realized what he was doing. Tamaki am........... I j-just a dumb fan girl to you is that why you are acting like this.

Tamaki pov

Y/n started to cry I don't think she noticed. Tamaki am........... I j-just a dumb fan girl to you is that why you are acting like this. My eyes widened after I heard those words. I did not respond I was just shocked that she said that. I......I could not get my sentences out. She started to run away it was drak so I called her name to come back but she must not have heard me. Y/N!!! Y/N!!! Y/N.

Y/n pov

He just stood there. I will not let this happen again not here. I ran as fast as I could in to this ally way. I was just so upset I thought it would be diffrent I thought he would be different. But clearly I was wrong.

All I could do was replay these last few weeks in my head how I actually felt that this would be different. Than again I don't think that I was really ready any way.

You know you should not be walking around by yourself it's dangers out here. I looked up and saw a guy with orange hair and all red on. What. I was to busy looking at him to hear his questions. I asked if you need some help. Oh well um.... I kinda said it with a dumb face. Here let me help you such a pretty girl like you shouldn't be out on the streets of London by yourself. Sure thank you but I should go my brother is probably mad that I felt. Well at least let me take you home. OK thanks.

My name is Eric by the way. Oh what a beautiful name you have. May I ask what your name is?

I just gazed into his eyes they were so pretty. Y/n my name is y/n .After a little while he started to laugh and make me blush a little.

Um yes you can walk me to my hotel. He than start to talk, and It was nice. So you are here on vacation. He said with a smile.

Yea I am on vacation with my brother and his friends. Oh cool. I'm guessing your only staying for the week. Yea that is correct. How did he know that is weird. Is this it. Yea but how did you. Never mind thanks. Your actually the high light of my day and if there is anything you need .

Your welcome and I was wondering if you would let me have the horn of having your phone number.

After he said that I blushed like crazy. He than put his hand on my chian and kissed my check. I think my checks turned a scarlet red after that. Bye Eric. I than walled into the hotel with a smile on my face.

Tamaki pov

I ran all round London I could not find y/n any where. I was really worried. Y/n where could you be?
I went to the hotel to go tell kyoya what happened. When I saw kyoya he was laughing and having fun. I could not ruin that. Kyoya can I talk to you.

Kyoya pov

I had not seen y/n all night but I can not worrie about her 24/7.she needs to able to live her own life without me hovering over her.

Kyoya can I talk to you. Tamaki calls me over and I was a little surprised to see him. I thought he was with y/n.

Hey tamaki where is y/n I thought you to where hanging to day. After I said that he looked sad and worried at the same time than he looked down and his bangs covered his eyes. He was starting to scare me.

Tamaki what happened to my sister. I pulled him by his shirt collar. I just wanted to punch him for losing my little sister she was everything to me I started to think the worst because of what she told me last night if what she said was true that means that man could be.

No I can't think like that not now. Kyoya your. I was brought out of my thoughts when tamaki started to talk. I felt my face my check was wet and my eyes started to blur.

Was I really crying just think about what could be happening to my sister.

Tamaki pov

Kyoya was crying I don't think I have ever seen kyoya cry. To turn to look out the window when I saw y/n. My eyes widened. I happy to now that she was OK but who is that guy she is with and why. Is he kissing her check. My face started to get red with anger.

Y/n pov

I walked into the hotel and was tackled by honey he. Looked like he was cry. What is wrong honey. Than the twins came up and huged me to and said don't ever do that again. I was shocked and blushed a little. They all got off of me after what seem like for ever.

Guys what are you talking about?

Honey than said. You scared tama-chan when you ran away.

kaoru and hikaru than said that. He was looking for you all over London. When he could not find you he started to panic and he knew that he had to tell kyoya.

Him being kyoya best friend put him in a weird spot. Tamaki brings out a side of kyoya that he did not have before the host club.

Just promise us that you will not run away like that again. OK we all love you so please promise us that you will not do that aging.

I promise after that I hugged them all and I kinda started to cry than kaoru wiped away my tears making me blush a little. It was interpret by tamaki calling Kaoru. Kaoru quickly stepped away and stood next to his brother.

Tamaki did not have his usual smile in face he alotblike his father. That actually kinda scared me.

Y/n may I speak to you in private. Wow tamaki never was this serious. Was me running away from him this big of deal. Knowing him and his reputation no girl has probably ever ran away from him.

I walked kinda slow up the stair when I made it up there he turned around and walked like he was a high powered executive. I was feeling kinda bad for him. Tamaki....... I. Before I could say another word he opened the door and saw my brother sitting. Slam the door shut behind tamaki. Jumped up a little and than he told me to sit down.

Y/n the one day. The one day I let you live your life without me. You decided to first go on a date with the biggest idiot on the plant, than just leave and go see a random boy it's like I don't even know you anymore.

When I heard those words I was shock and angery. Than kyoya got up out of his set after calming down. He huged me with his left hand on my head and his right on my upper back just how mom use to hug when dad would always yell at me.

Kyoya I'm sorry I did not know that would hurt you as much as it did.I hugged him back.

I turn to see tamaki still with his emotionaless face. Kyoya may I speak with tamaki alone. Kyoya nods and leaves me and tamaki alone. I shut the door and look at tamaki with a smirk on my face.

Tamaki I

Thank you guys for reading I really am happy to were this book is going and at first I was going to stop at 10 but the story is just getting started.

Oh and are theses to short?

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