chapter 10

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Y/n pov

I shut the door and look at tamaki with a smirk on my face.

Tamaki I am not going to say sorry. I squinted my eyes

We'll nether am I, you ran away for no reason. He looked at me with anger in his eyes

I was raging mad.You know what

WHAT. He got louder and closer so close that I could feel his breath. There was quick pause. But you could feel the tenchan.

Than he kissed me with a deep passion. All most like my first kiss all over again but a lot ALOT better.
He pulled away and all I could hear was my heart beating so hard that tamaki could probably hear it. Tamaki than had a evil smirk on his face.

We should this again some time. Tamaki than leaves the room.

what just happened. I touched my lips still in shock of what just happened. Tamaki just kissed me. I went to my room and closed the door and went to my bed not wanting to talk to any of the boys I decided to give Eric a hello.

Y/n : Hey

Eric : Hey I was starting to think that you where not going To text me

Y/n : oh really so you where waiting by the phone for me.

Eric : you could say that, but that is only because I wanted to ask you on a date tomorrow night at the park @ 7:00 pm

Y/n : oh really you must do this with all the girls you meet on street at night.

Eric : yea you would be girl number 28 or 30 but who is keeping count. Lol

Y/n : you know you are not funny sweetie.

Eric : oh we have not even been on a first date yet and you are already calling me sweetie. I like where this is going we have not even kissed yet babe.😉

Y/n : who said that you where going to kiss. Don't get to cocky😎

Eric : how about you cheer me up babe.

Y/n : OK well when I got home my friends where scared out there minds. Especially my brother. That was not the best part was that tamaki kissed me so passionately. That I don't how you are going to top that.

Y/n : eric did you get my text

Y/n : eric did I say something

Y/n : I'm so sorry please talk to me. Please don't tell me you are upset with me to eric I....... I

Slam the door to my room opened as fast as it did close and with that I saw haruhi. I looked at my phone I pushed send and did not even finish what I was going to say. Shut I will have to see him tomorrow on are date if we even have a date still.

Haruhi are you OK. It's only right to ask her that After she stormed in her all crazy like. Harhi please talk to me.

You know what guys are dumb. She had a every mad face a face that I have never ever seen haruhi use.
You now what I mean.

Actually I did know what she ment but I didn't want to say anything. So I just nodded.

You want to know what the twins did?

I was very curious so I just nodded.

Haruhi seemed to calme down just a little to be able to talk to me. So I was sitting on the couch reading a magazine that I found and then the twins came up to me and they asked me on a date.

I was a little confused as to why she was mad at the twins. I had thought that she liked them maybe I was wrong. What's wrong with that?

She no longer had an angry face more of a sad face she actually looked like she was about to cry.

They clearly are playing with she starts to break down into tears. I go to comfort her she starts to slowly saying words in between sniffles
My.......*sniff*..... Feeling.

It will get better. Boys just don't understand a girls feeling you know.

Haruhi than look up at me and had a look in her eyes that really convinced me that she was actually believed my every word.

To tell the truth haruhi I don't have the right to give advice to you I am having boy trouble my self.

She then looks at me with a evil like smirk on her face. You y/n ootori is having boy trouble. With who are you having trouble with let me guess Tamaki how about Honey Senpai or maybe Mori. I blush when she said tamaki's name. But I don't know why I don't have a crush on Tamaki we are only friends and plus I think I like Eric I mean I know I just meet him to night butt he. My thoughts were soon interrupted by a sleeping haruhi. I see why the twins like her she is so nice and yet speaks her mind I only wish I could do that. She dose not run away from her problems she faces them head on and dose not look back.

Yawn, my eyes started to get heavy and plus I don't want to be sleepy when I see Eric or if I even do see Eric tomorrow.


Please eric Talk to me I'm sorry I
♡shut y/n and kiss me
I ran straight into Eric's and kissed him for what seemed like a long time I never wanted to wake up
♡Y/n I need you To do something.
Anything more you eric
♡wake up for me please
What no I want to stay here forever
♡Wake up
!♡Wake up!
!!!♡Wake up!!!
!!!!♡Wake up!!!!
No please stop

End of dream

Tamaki pov
I heard screaming and it was coming from y/n's room I ran as quick as I could to her room she was still sleeping she must be having a nightmare poor y/n.

No please stop I do not want to don't make me noooooooooo.

Y/n wake up wake up it's just a nightmare

Y/n than hugged me right and would not let go she crying what type of dream.

Please don't leave I love you .my eyes widened when she said that I pulled her off of me she must have woken up when she hugged me


Author Note

Hey guys sorry that this was short I'm am kinda losing interest in this well not really losing interest I'm kind of running out of ideas I really don't know where this is going and I'm trying to make it along for you guys but every day that I sit down and start writing I just don't know what to write about so please leave a few comments that will help me and if you don't want to read my story anymore please tell me cause I don't want to keep writing if no one wants to read it so please tell me I value all your comments thank you and um comment vote

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