Chapter 5

625 21 4

Y/n pov

Hey kyoya you did not come home last night and did not call so can you please call me back when you get this OK love you.

What is so important about this tamaki guy that kyoya could not pick up the phone.

I guess I will bring kyoya some food and clean clothes to the hospital tomorrow after school.


Kyoya it's me your little sister again
You still have not called me back yet. I just wanted to tell you that I will be bringing you some clothes and food from hope to see you. Till than love you and give my wishes to tamaki.

After I got off the phone with kyoya I got in the car and went to go see tamaki but really I just wanted to see my brother.

When I got to the hospital there we're a bunch of fangirls from the host club there.

They had cookies, cakes, flowers, and Teddy bears, that filled the room up to the Max.

I could not get to the room do I decided to come back when there we're less people .

8:30pm it already 8:00 o my I better get going before I can not see my brother at all. I rushed to the hospital to see no one was there not even kyoya I put his clothes down on the bed and put the food in the kitchen. This is a very a luxurious hospital. As I sat down next to tamaki's bed side. I pushed his hair out of his face and he looked so peaceful. He was cute sleeping.

Kyoya pov
I could not stand to see tamaki in the hospital so I decided to go and stay at the gust house. I visited him every morning and night. To make sure he is OK or to see if he woke up.

But when I got there I saw some thing that if not in this situation I would get really mad about. I saw y/n sleeping with tamaki. I was about to say something but he looked as happy as a passed out person can look.

Tamaki's pov
I woke up to light weight on my chest. I sit up and see y/n on me sleeping. I started to blush a lot. Seeing her cute face and soft pink lips. I looked at her for what seems like forever. Until kyoya what are you doing here. What am I doing here. What happened to me.

Kyoya's pov
I stood there looking at tamaki and my sister he was just starting at her.
He looked confused after a while he turned to me and asked me multiple questions.

He was starting to get annoying. I told hIm that was going to come discharge him tomorrow after school.

Y/n pov

In my dreams

Hey babe did you do as I ask

Sorry Mikey I didn't have time I was studying for my finals at school and it's really hard I'll get to it as soon as I can though I promise

I told you that I needed this done today now I don't want to hurt you but you leave me no choice

Mikey please I'm sorry I'll get it done I promise please don't hurt me like you did last time I still have bruises please


Sorry please you're hurting me please stop

Bang slap

next time you decide not to do as I say it will be much worse you've got it now go clean yourself up you disgust me.

One In A Million (Tamaki X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن