Chapter 7

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*may have lemon just a little

Y/n pov
◇Maybe you shouldn't have left

◇Now you must pay the price for doing what you did to us
I did not do it on purpose I told you that I did not know
◇Do you really think I would believe you after what you had done
Please I'm sorry do you think that I'm capable of that.
◇ I will find you y/n watch your back END OF DREAM

Haruhi pov

I woke to y/n screaming in her sleep. Why dose she have to scream at 3am in the morning.

Y/n pov
I felt some ones arms around me it was haruhi I thought it was sweet of her to do that. She must have heard me scream and wanted to comfort me. Soon after haruhi decided to comfort me I fell fast asleep.

In the morning

Kyoya pov

Since last night I decided to go check on y/n to make sure she slep nicely but when I open the door I found something that I hope never to see.

Tamaki pov

I saw kyoya leave the room at 10 in the morning he never wakes up this early.

Where is he going.

I got up and followed him to haruhi and y/n room
I looked in the room. *tamaki's nose bleeds*What are you doing Haruhi.
Why are you sleeping with y/n!

The twins pov
You wants some breakfast Kaoru. Sure what ever. We where walking to lobby when we saw the boss and kyoya looking in the girls room.

Hey Hikaru look the boss and kyoya are begin perverts. Probably looking at y/n getting changed. You want to go see. Yes.

As me and hikaru looked in room are nose start to bleed. What are they........ do do doing. Kyoya turns to use and gives use a death stare.

Y/n pov

I was starting to wake up when I turned over I was face to face with haruhi inches away from her lips. I could feel her breathing. I than heard a moan coming from the door I sit up and see the boys with nose bleeds. What are you guys doing in our room.

They look at me with widened eyes and than I realised that I was cuddleing with Haruhi. O guys it is not what it looks like we where just. I was just and she was just. Nothing happened. I promise.

Haruhi pov
I woke to hear y/n she looked embraced. She was looking at the door. I looked at the door and saw the boys with nosebleed and widened eyes.

what are you guys doing in here 8 o'clock in the morning. You guys are such perverts nothing happened. she just had a nightmare she woke me up in the middle of the night so I decided to comfort her and nothing happened.

Kyoya Pov

Y/n you had a nightmare again was it the same one from last night.

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