Encounter #2

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Dark P.O.V

I talked to Corupt, and she said that GamingWithMad had went to her, and told her the same thing. We were going to Anti and Glitchs dorm again for two reasons. 1. In hopes to find out what the hell is going on. And 2. To actually work on our project. So here we are. Walking on the streets to the dorm rooms.

Finally we made it to Anti and Glitchs dorm. I knocked on the door. "I got it." I heard Anti say. He opened the door, and looked pretty scared when he saw us there. "Relax, we aren't here to hurt you. We have some, things we want to discuss." I said, trying to calm his nerves. Fail. "Here, jus come in." He said. We walked in and there dorm was kinda a mess. Glitch was over in her bed, looked to be asleep. There were empty fruit cups and blood bottles on the floor. "Woah, what happened here?" Corupt asked. Anti sighed. "It's a long story." He said, sitting on his bed. That's when I noticed the stab wound in his left shoulder. It looked old, but it wasn't there the other day. "Anti, what happened to your arm?" I asked pointing out his arm. He immediately covered it. "I-its nothing, don't worry, it's n-nothing." He said studdering. That was the worst lie I ever heard. I crossed my arms, and he sighed again. "Well, we got a little 'visit' from some old, not friends the other day." He said rubbing his arm. "Let me guess, these old not friends names are Blood and Mad?" Corupt said. Anti jumped a little and his jaw dropped. "H-how did y-you know, what?" He said, again studdering.

I sighed. "Anti, they came up to us at school. They said, some weird stuff. Like the baddest people they know gone soft, and like we had no idea what they had done to you." I said sitting next to Anti. He was in the feetal position. Glitch had woken up, and heard my explanation, and she was over here next to Anti, in the same position. Corupt was next to her. "Who were they, and what happened?" Corupt asked. I'm pretty sure Glitch was about to answer but there was a knock at the door. "I got it." Anti said with a sigh. "I'll come." Glitch said. They both got up and walked over to the door.

Then there was a loud crash. Corupt and I looked over to the door and the Blood and Mad were standing there. Anti and Glitch had both been thrown into the wall by the door. Anti was already up, but Glitch was struggling. Anti walked up to the two. "Don't. Touch her. She's still recovering from your attack on us yesterday. She's in no condition to fight!" Anti tried to stop the attack, but he only made it worse. Blood threw Anti and Glitch both back into the wall. "You two jus don't stay down do you? Even after our attack yesterday, you're still standing? Impressive, I will say that, but it's also stupid!" Blood exclaimed throwing them to the ground. Glitch looked up and the minute she did, the other two stumbled back. What the hell did she do? "Ugh!" Mad cried wiping her eyes. Glitch helped Anti up. The two threw what looked like green and blue spears. I looked at Corupt and she looked in awe about as much as I did. Blood easily countered there spears and threw them against the wall, and to the floor again, this time, they didn't get up.

I'm going to regret this. I used my dark red shadows and rapped them around both Blood and Mad. They couldn't move. And they sure as hell couldn't breath. Corupt caught on, and rapped her own dark pink smoke around the two. Making it even harder for them. They soon passed out, and we dropped them. And that's, when Becky came in. "OH MY LASS! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?!?!" She shouted going immediately to the now passed out Glitch and Anti. "This two nimbusals came here, and started beating them up. They tried to fight back but couldn't. We finally decided to stop the attack and choke them out." Corupt said, kicking Mad while explaining. I shadow traveled them out into the middle of nowhere.

Becky got them to there beds, and used her own magic mumbo jumbo on them. Then she turned to us. "And what are you two idiots doing here in the first place?" She said, in a slightly agrivated tone. "Well, we wanted some answers because of some stuff those two said to us at school about them. And we do have a school project with them that we still haven't started." I said, trying not to be angry. She sighed. "Come with me." She said, and started walking to the kitchen.

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