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Dark P.O.V

When Corupt and I arrived back in the human world, it was day break. "What the hell? We've only been gone for like, 20 minutes, how the hell is it day break?" I asked. "Well you know how dreams feel like they only last for a short amount of time and you wake up and realized that all happened in ten hours? Same concept with the dream demension. 20 minutes is actually 5 hours." Kerrington explained in a mouth full. I went over and flopped on Marks bed, groaning. "I'm so tired right now, it's not even funny..." I said. "Thought you didn't need sleep?" Kerrington asked, leaning against the counter by the running coffee machine. I sighed. "We don't, but we still get tired. Not as often as our energy just plainly lasts longer then humans, but we still get tired." I said. "Ah, so you do need sleep, just not as often?" She said, almost smirking over there. The little bastard. I groaned. "No, Kerrington, we don't. It's not like if we don't sleep our brains don't work right or we will just randomly fall asleep, or we look like shit. We just get tired sometimes. Now shut up so I can go to sleep." I said. "Fine, what ever." She replied.

~ Ok thought I'd just let you check in on those Checky lil shits. Now back to the action~

Glitch P.O.V

I stared bluntly at the boy in front of us. I swear I'd seen him before, but I couldn't put my finger on his name. 'Is it just me, or do you feel like you know him from somewhere?' Pewds telepathically asked me. 'Good. Thought I was crazy. Well, crazier.' I replied. 'Yeah, you do tend to bring the Kaos.' Pewds put in. I chuckled to myself as it was true. "Ugh, do you two need something?" The boy asked to Dan and Phil, rolling his eyes. I answered for them. "In fact we do need something, well, apparently we need something according to these two." I said crossing my arms and looking at them. At this point we all where. Phil seemed to be cowaring again, so Dan spoke up. "Well no shit we need something you dildo. If you can't see we have a human with us." Dan said as it was the most obvious thing in the world. Well, it was. Mark had tanned skin, while the rest of us had pale, grey, or in some cases gold skin. He had more natural features, eyes, hair, etc. The boy seemed to pause a bit, putting his finger to his lip. "Oh uh, sorry, hadn't noticed." He said. "Well now ya have you spork. Now our problem is this: Darkiplier has some how switched with his human counter. No one knows why or how, yet at least. Anyways. Apparently something they need is here, in the nature demension. This is the next riddle." Dan said. Corupt tossed the book to the boy and it opened to the page. He read it and then sighed. "Mom should have what you need. I'll go see." He said then disappeared again in a poof of sparkly, leafy, green, smoke. "Mind some explaining here guys?" Anti asked crossing his arms. Again all the attention was on them, and again Phil coward. I wanted to reassure him, like Dan and I did back in the day, but now was not the time. "Well, that was one of our friends, Joey. We don't know all the details but his mom is some like goddess of this place or something like that." Dan explained. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that noticed Dan gripping Phil's arm. One of the ways to reassure him. He was uneasy, a lot. "Hold on a minute, you mean Joey as in Joey Graceffa's counter?" Mark asked. Pretty sure that's the first time Mark had spoken since the whole dream demension thing. That already seems so long ago. "Yeah, pretty sure that's right." Dan replied. "You damn right it is." We turned around to see Joey coming back with a key in his hand. "This should be what you need. One thing tho, I have to go with you. I can't leave the key unattended or mom would literally have my head over the mantel. And I mean literally, no exaggeration." Joey said, rubbing the back of his neck and mumbling the last part. I still can't help but think I know him from somewhere, I just can't think of it. It's like this weird feeling, dèjú vù mixed with indigestion. "Honestly, the more help the better." Corupt said. Normally Pewds probably would have been the one to speak up. I could tell he was thinking my same thoughts. I'll talk to Anti about it later. There isn't often a person I know that he doesn't. "We better get going. Chances are Blood and Mad will be here any moment to take retribution." Anti said. "Anti, you honestly think to slow! Said that a few minutes earlier and you might have actually saved yourselves!" That oh so familiar high pitched voice said. "God Damnit." Anti, Corupt, Pewds, myself, and even Mark all mumbled at the same time. "Did you guys really think that little gag would buy you enough time? Honestly, I thought you were smarter than that!" Mad said. "I see you've made some little friends. Good for you! I guess the enemy of your enemy really is your friend!" Blood added. "Yeah, I guess. But at least these friends can match your power here." Pewds said. He was right. Blood and Mad don't stand much of a chance up against all of us. Just Dan and Phil, they probably would win, but with a little bit of our power mixed in, plus this Joey guy, they don't stand a chance. "True, true. But you've forgotten. You're on our turf. Meaning we have our own friends." Blood said. My eyes widened. Shit. Every time we think we've bested them, they always have a counter act. Two familiar faces came into view. Faces that, besides Blood and Mad, I feared most at our old school. There stood Natemare and Batpat (cause I couldn't think of a good evil counter name for MatPat.). I face palmed. "For fucks sake!" I exclaimed. "We gave the key to Dan and Phil, so it's technically in your hands anyways, what else do you want?!" I added. "We want for you and Anti to suffer, just as much as you made us suffer back then." Mad stated. "Let it go, Mad. Vengeance won't change the past!" Anti intervened. At this point Anti and I were in front of everyone, and pretty much everyone was in front of Mark. Sadly enough we kinda had to protect the scum. He couldn't defend himself and whatever happened to him, happened to Dark too. Dan and Phil could take Blood and Mad, but we didn't really have counter acts for Natemare and Batpat. Natemare was a Sromuny demon, and without Dark we couldn't counter act his powers. They may be different demons but they have similar strengths. And Batpat was a Aqrelagen demon. We didn't have anyone that could come close to countering his attacks. This was a complete disaster. "It very well won't, Anti. But we still get the absolute joy that comes with watching you suffer." Blood said, the last part she really sounded like a murderer. "Uh, not on my lawn it won't." A women's voice said. We all looked up to see a women floating down in front of us. Joey came up, pushing in between both Anti and myself and ran up to her. "Mom, what are you doing out here?" He asked. "Taking care of business." She said, then turned to the threat at hand. "You children should know who I am and with that in mind, I suggest you scadadal." The women said. To our complete shock all four of them ran off faster than speedy Gonzalez. Joey hugged his mom and the rest of us just stared at each other. We were all expecting a fight. Guess not. "Ok, hate to break up the love fest, but we really need to get going now. We only have 11 days to get Dark and Mark switched back before this is permanent." Corupt brought up. "Right right." Joey said than said goodbye to his mom. "So where to?" He added. "For now, back to Dark and Corupts dorm. I'm sure we're all very tired." Anti said. We all nodded and like that, we were off.

Dark P.O.V

I woke up to a pain in my left arm. That's when I realized I had slept on it. "God Damnit." I grumbled, my so called morning voice coming out. You can't really call it a morning voice as it is 1 in the afternoon. "The beast awakens!" I here Felix say. I roll my eyes. "Charming as always, Felix." I reply. I walk up to the annoying humans, very unhappily. "Any word?" I ask simply. "Yeah, they've figured out the second riddle and have what they need. A key. What for, they don't know yet. They haven't read the final riddle to figure that out yet." Kerrington explains. "They have new recruits too. Dan, Phil, and Joey Graceffa's counters. But sadly, so do Blood and Mad. Natemare and Batpat, NateWantsToBattle and MatPats counters." Felix adds. I groan. "Sounds like a lot of Kaos." I say putting my hands over my face. This was seeming to get more and more hopeless everyday. Honestly, if I can't get back to the demon world, I hate to say it but I may end up killing these guys. I mean I'd feel bad about my friends but these guys are just so damn annoying. "Don't worry Dark. They're smart demons, together they should be able to figure this out." Jack reassures. "That's not exactly what I'm worried about. I'm worried about them getting hurt at the hands of Blood and Mad. I've seen it before and been able to prevent it. But knowing it's happening and not being able to prevent it? And what if they get to Mark. I mean, then I'm really screwed." I rambled. I was half lying about this. That was my priority, I was petrified that they were gonna get hurt. But I was also petrified that they weren't gonna be able to solve this riddle in the time span. What am I going to do then?????

A/N Yay I updated! So Dark is starting to get very worried about what's going on with his friends, and the big question is, will fear take over his aggressions??? We'll hopefully find out next chapter! Love you guys, Buh-bye!😋😘😎

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