Revenge is Your Friend

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A/N OK quick authors note. Kinda. I'm back! And my schedule has cleared slightly. Anyways. My plan was to have Matt and Ryan come in on this chapter but I have changed that. After what happened it just feels weird to put them into the story. For those of you who have no idea what the hell I'm talking about, Mark, Matt, and Ryan had a pretty bad falling out. Nothing really serious like violence, but basically ignorance, jealousy, and silence insued. If you want the full story it's on Marks Facebook page. And he has a link to it on Twitter if you don't have Facebook. Anyways that was a long ass intro now onto the story.

Quick recap: They're at the library reading a book on how to fix the swap. literally quickest recap ever. Anyways enough of my pointless blabbing let's do this!

Anti P.O.V

"So to fix the swap you have to gather 6 powerful demons together. You then have to recite the swap spell with the swapped demon and human in the same place as they arrived. In order to find the swap spell you must solve the three riddles at the bottom of this page. The spell is found in the human world." Corupt finished. "That's pretty cliće if you ask me." Mark said examining the page. "Mark are you fucking kidding me?! That's hard as hell!" Pewds stated sternly. "God why do they have to make this so hard to solve? It's not like we tried to do this or did something stupid in order for it to happen." Glitch said pacing around the room. I, at this point, was panicking. This was indeed hard as hell. Dark could be stuck in the human world for ever if we don't figure this out. Fuckity fuck fuck FUCK! "Come on guys calm down. I know this isn't going to be easy but it's not going to do it it's self so we best get a move on." Corupt said the only one of us (besides Mark) who was keeping there cool. We stopped and looked at her beginning to calm a bit. I wasn't calming as easily as the others but none the less I was calming. "Good now first things first, where the hell are we gonna find to other demons that will help us with this?" Corupt asked. "That's probably the thing we are least worried about but should probably be more concerned about." I say tapping my fingers on the table. "I know we can get DeathlyPieMarzia to help." Pewds said. "Alright but whos our sixth person?" Glitch asked. This was gonna be a tough one. No one else really liked us around here. "While you guys think I'll fill in the others on what's going on." Corupt implied. "No I'll do it!" Pewds said, always needing to be the  center of attention. "Uh, Pewds, no offense but you should let Corupt take this one. Felix is about as useless as a sack of potatoes when it comes to relaying messages. Or just life in general." Mark butts in. Pewds groans but none the less gives up and let's Corupt take over.

Meanwhile in the human world...

Dark P.O.V

"Ugh! Come on you guys let's go!" I said annoyed yet so excited. This was going to be the most underhanded thing I've ever done. And I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach. I was standing by the door waiting for the humans to get out here. It was winter in this world and currently freezing outside so they had to get in all there gear. Coats, hats, gloves, scarves, boots, and some are even putting on there snow pants even tho there is virtually no snow on the ground. Me being a demon I needed none of this stuff. I mean for fucks sake I could go outside in below 50 degree weather naked and be warm and cozy. When did I start saying the work cozy? Wow this world is really starting to get to me. "We're coming Dark. This takes a while, alright? It's not like we can just be a walking heater like you." Jack said with an eye roll. He was ready along with Kinley. Felix and Kerrington weren't to far behind. "Explain to me how we are going to do this quietly if you guys make a squeak every time you move?" I asked crossing my arms. "That's what we need to figure out." Kerrington said calapsing on the couch. I face palmed. "So let me get this straight. You guys got me all hyped up about this, and now we may not even be able to do it?" I asked having my eyes closed and my face still covered with the hand I face palmed with. "I've got an idea. Why don't we act as decoys. We distract them while Dark hides. When they get ready to start an attack, Dark floats them into the air. We run away and act like we have no idea what's going on. Dark throws them around a little and then meets us back at our dorm." Jack suggested. "That might actually work, Jack." Kinley said looking up thoughtfully and hopefully. I smiled smugly. This was gonna be too good to be true. "So are we all in agreement?" Felix asked. "I believe we are." Kinley said cheerfully. And so we began our walk to Blood and Ma- I mean Tiff and Jen's dorm room. God I have got to get these new names under control. Watch the minute I do I'll get back to hell and forget everyone's names there. God why did this have to happen to me. Me out of all demons. Or even just out of us, why me? I bet if another demon were in my shoes they would be thinking this same thing. I chuckled to myself due to my little thought. We arrived at Tiff and Jen's dorm sooner than I imagined. I was not in the slightest nervous. I don't get nervous. I get cautious. And yes those are two different things. MOVING ON! I turned to smoke and the minute they opened the door I snuck in. I went and hide under there sink. I heard them getting angry at them names were called, and at some I almost laughed. Almost. What can I say? I'm a demon, and these are humans making it better. Did you expect me to feel bad for them? Pft! As if! Do you know me? Anyways. Felix gave me the message and I immediately threw them into the air by their necks. I had them held tight enough so they couldn't talk, but not tight enough so that they couldn't breath. As planned they freaked out and ran. I wanted to trash talk them so bad but I had to remind myself to stay hiden. I couldn't see so I was forced to knock them out. Which is a little disappointing cause I wanted them to suffer but that was too risky. I came out of hiding and thankfully the were out. I smashed them against the ceiling a couple times, then between the two walls on the sides, then finally back to the floor. Then I took a knife and stuck there shoulders to the ground, just as they did with Anti and Glitch. Smiled and my work, but before I left I wrote in sharpie on there foreheads the word PayBack. Cause that is exactly what this was. PayBack. Maybe not exactly in its sweetest form, as the only thing that would happen to Blood and Mad of this is the wall, ceiling, and floor smashing. And the choking out of course. Satisfaction filling me, I went back to the dorm where the others were waiting for me. On my way there Anti made it back to my mind again. Was he OK? How was he feeling? Was he hurt? Did he miss me? Did he even care? Those were the first thoughts. Then my thoughts turned to memories. Like when we first meant and became friends. Nit when we actually first meant and I bullied him but like when we became friends friends. Me and Corupt taking care of them when they had there wounds. Us at the gym. All of us eating pizza. All the memories, even the small ones were so sweet. They cleared my mind. Wait a minute did I just use the word sweet? Ugh! What is wrong with me!? I have got to get out of here and fast. I finally made it back to the dorm and everyone was sitting there waiting for me. They looked really tense and serious and almost worried. "How'd it go on your end?" Jack asked. "Quite well. I believe they got what they deserved." I said with a smirk. "Good cause we got some badish goodish serious news to share with you coming from the others. So sit down and get ready for story time." Felix says motioning for me to sit down.

Yet another A/N Aight guys we have another chapter. It's not as long as I would have liked and it's kinda lazy but, you know. Next chap will be better, promise! I also meant to get this out yesterday so really sorry about that. Anyways lots of sorrys but overall hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Buh-bye!!!!! 😊😃😄

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