New Allies

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"What?! We aren't giving you the power of the dream demension!" Glitch shouts angerly. I grab her arm. "Glitch, we may wanna think about this." I say quietly. "What?! Anti this is like fucking giving them ultimate power over us and the rest of the world!" She retorts, breaking her arm from my grasp. "We may not have a choice, Glitch. How else are we gonna get to the Nature demension?" I argue. "Uh, by doing what normal demons do, activating a portal. If we get the key from them, and give them our key, along with the power, than they will be stronger than us in here, and they will still be able to attack us in the nature demension, and still be stronger there, this is a lose lose situation." Glitch replied. 'Trust me, I know what I'm doing, I have a plan.' I tell her in our heads. Her expression seems to change, and she seems to soften, then tense again. "Fine." She grumbles. I take a breath and summon the key, Mad summoning hers. "Here." We both grumble and rip the keys from the other, then return to our respective groups. "Thaanks." Blood said mockingly, then the two left the dream demension. "We've got to get out of here and get our buisness done in the nature demension, now!" I shouted. "What, why now?" Corupt asked. "No time to explain, we have to go, ASAP!" I said, and everyone disappeared. When I awoke Corupt, Pewds, Mark, Glitch, and myself were back in our room. "Why are we in such a rush Anti?" Pewds asked. "I already checked and this is the real nature key, but I gave them a decoy dream key. It'll take them there once and trap them there until we let them out. Or until they figure away out. But we have to go before that, cause they will still be able to attack us in the nature demension, and trust me they aren't gonna be our biggest fans after that." I explained. They looked shocked and wide eyed. "Hey I'm smarter than I look, now let's get a move on." I say opening up the portal. Everyone went in, still shocked, me following. When we got in there it was, different to say the least.


The nature demension was definitely different than I thought it was going to be. I thought you'd barely be able to see two feet in front of you. "Glitchiveve?" I heard a questioning voice say from behind us. I whipped around and couldn't believe who I saw. DanIsOnFire and InsanePhil. "DAN, PHIL!" I shouted happily running to them and hugging them really tightly, them hugging back just as tight. "Dude is it good to see some friendly faces!" Anti expressed coming up to us. "No shit. How are you guys even here?" I asked. "Duh, we're Lark demons ya twat." Dan replied, in that good old sarcastic attitude I've missed. "Ok, hold the phone, now give the phone to me, explain?" Mark says, as him and the other two come over. Phil whispers something in Dans ear that I can't quite makeout. "Oh my god Phil it's a human you'll fucking live." Dan says with a roll of his eyes. That makes sense, Phil was always afraid of humans. "So before anything, why don't you explain why this things here and not in the human world." Dan says gesturing to Mark as 'The Thing.'  "OK lots of explaining, it seems. So, Dan, Phil, this is Mark, our new friend Darkiplier's demon counter part. Him and Dark some how got switched and we are trying to fix it, and it's really hard. Ok, and as for these two, this is DanIsOnFire and InsanePhil. Aka Dan and Phil's demon counters. But we just call them Dan and Phil in this world cause Insane and Fire just doesn't sound right. Anti and myself were friends with them at our other school. Ok did I miss anything, or?" I explained, half out of breath by the end. "One thing. We know Pewds, cause at this point who doesn't, but who's the pink haired girl?" Dan asked. "Corupted Nerd, Dark's best friend. Nice to meet'cha." Corupt introduced. "Ok, now that everyone's caught up, we are kinda on a mission here!" Anti expressed. "Right, right, well it was nice running into you guys again, right now we gotta go." I said and we began to walk off. "Wait, let us help." Dan said. We all turned back around. "Really?" I said in shock. Phil still looked petrified, even more so now. "Well you guys will probably need some help. Plus we can help with Blood and Mad." Dan said matter of factually. "Wait you know about those two?" Pewds asked. "Yep. After all they went to school with the two, and they're both Lark demons." Anti explained. "Wait, Anti we could've just gotten the key from them!" I exclaimed. "Oh." Anti said. With that I punched his arm. "Idiot." I said grabbing the key from him. "Here." I said giving Dan and Phil the key. "Thank you. Now what do we have to do?" Dan asked. I looked to Corupt and she summend the book. "This doesn't really seem like a riddle." Corupt said showing it to me. "You must find a key hidden by a shade of bark." I read aloud. "So there must be a key hidden in a tree!" Phil spoke up. "Ring a bell?" Anti asked the twosome. After a long pause Phil spoke again. "Wait, Dan, didn't Joey say something about his mom being like some tree gardian or something?" Phil asked. Dan shot up with wide eyes. "InsanePhil, your a fucking genius. Come on." Dan said, him and Phil jogging off, but soon gaining a full sprint. I grabbed Mark and Anti grabbed Corupt, and me, Anti, and Pewds busted out into a full sprint following them. A few moments later we arrived in front of the center. "Gee, thanks for the warning." I said coming to a hault beside them, the other two following moments later. "Sorry." Dan replied. "He'll be here any moment." Phil interupted. "Who?" Anti asked. Just then a boy with green eyes and dirty blonde hair arrived in front of us.

A/N OK guys so I've decided to do a Q and A chapter with the characters. You guys can ask question you want to know about any of the characters  (you can ask multiple questions for any character, and it doesn't have to be the same character) and I will have them answer. That will take place two weeks from today. Ok, bye guys!

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