Somethings Not Right

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Dark (cause we should probably check on him, right?)

Humans aren't as different from demons as I has originally thought. Yes, I know, this world is doing shit to my head. They may have become more tolerable, but right now was basically my worst nightmare. Right now everyone was screaming and yelling because they were filming videos for this thing called 'YouTube' that was apparently there jobs. Pewds was sitting next to me playing some game on the PS4. Rocket League, I think. He wasn't filming so thankfully he was only being loud when he lost, which thank Lucifer that wasn't the case much today. I was racking my brain from the latest update from Corupt. They were splitting up? I kept thinking. That wasn't good, but I guess it was there only choice. What I was really racking on tho, was the fact that Glitch and Anti had been seperated. Those two are never two feet apart and they were seperated when they didn't have to be? God I hope they didn't get in a fight. I wasn't even worried about Glitch though. I knew she could handle herself, and I trusted her with Pewds. I trusted Pewds with my own life actually. I was worried about Anti. I knew he was far less powerful and had far less control over his powers compared to Glitch. But yeah I trusted him with Corupt, but I knew he was going to be screwed when someone attacked them. Corupt wasn't as powerful as myself, Anti didn't have much control, I didn't even know this Joey guy, and they had a defenseless powerless Mark that they had to protect. I just had a sense that Anti was in trouble. God I wish I could just be there to protect him. To protect them all. I kept praying to Lucifer to keep him safe, but even if Lucifer could hear my prayers from Earth, we didn't have a very good track record. I looked up to see Pewds had gone off to bed with out me noticing. I sighed and mumbled something aloud, almost inaudible to my own hearing. "Please, please be careful Anti. I can't lose you."


"And we've arrived at our destination. Welcome to the Populace demension!" I announce as we enter the Populace demension. Honestly I was awe struck by this place. The others said it was huge, and boy that's an understatement. This place is absolutely ginormous. I turn to Joey. "As you're still a mystery to us, might as well ask, know anything about the Populace demension?" I asked him. He nodded. "I've actually got some friends here. Should be of help, yeah?" He replied. "Of course, the more help the better. We're weaker than the other team, by a lot. Anti has nearly no control over his full power, Mark's, well, Mark, and I'm pretty powerful, but not as powerful as Pewds, nor Dark, I might even be weaker than Glitch, but that's yet to be tested." I said looking at my fists and clenching them. I sighed and shook my head. "Joey! Joey! Joey!" Someone shouted. We all turned sharply to see a scrowny guy running up to us, panting. Couldn't have been much taller then me, and I was around 5'6. "Woah, Joe, what happened to you?" The boy-Joe-was too out of breath to speak. He looked spent, nearly exhausted. After a couple minutes his breathing calmed down a bit, and he could explain what happened. "Somethings up with Asher. He literally just attacked me. Him and 2 other demons started chasing me. I don't know what's up, but it's nothing good." Joe explained. "Wait, so you're telling me that Asher Lee, your best friend, just randomly attacked you?" Joey asked, seeming almost unconvinced. "Yes. He's been a bit off lately as well. I managed to lose them about a mile off." He explained further. "Think those other two could be Blood and Mad?" Anti asked quietly, his voice almost raspy. "Good possibility. They could've been ease dropping on our conversation." Joey replied. "Yeah but why would they go after them? They should be here for us, right?" I point out. "Yeah but you know how Blood and Mad are, they probably have beef with everyone in hell." Anti reminded. "Ahem?" Joe cleared his throat. "Oh, right right. Guys this is my friend HackerJoe, Joe this is CoruptedNerd." Joey explained. "Pleasure." I said. "Antisepticeye." "Top of the mornin to ya." Anti said. "And the other ones Mark." Mark waved a bit. Joey had said Marks name almost hesitantly. I don't blame him. Who really knew what other demons reactions would be if they saw a human flantung around. "Yeah let's just keep this up." I said in a sing song voice, putting Mark's hood up to help hide his face. Joe looked confused but seemed to brush it off. "So Joey, what brings you back to the Populace demension?" Joe asks. "Buisness. With possibly the people who attacked you. Can you describe to me what they looked like? And don't tell me what Asher looks like cause we already know that." Joey says. "Don't you think it'd be better to see us with your own eyes?" Came that god damn high pitched sing song fucking voice that I've grown so much fucking hatred for. We all immediately whipped around to see Blood, Natemare, and I'm assuming this Asher guy. No Mad, which was very suprising. My eyes were flaring with anger and my fists were definitely white under the flaring pink fire. "What. Do you. Want." I asked through greeted teeth. "How many times do we have to tell you, revenge?" Blood said slyly. "That's clearly not all, since you assisted in the attack on Joe." I explained. Blood's eyes seemed to widen, and you could just barely catch a glimpse of fear that crossed her face, before it changed to anger. "How the hell did you even find out about that?!" Blood exclaimed. I chuckled. "Joey comes in handy." I said simply. Joey was suddenly right next to me, a tight smug smirk glued on his face. "Pays off to know people." He says, smirk never leaving his face. "Why you little..." Blood couldn't even think of an insult. "What's wrong Blood? Did we topple a plan without even trying?" Anti taunted on the other side of me. You could tell Blood was filled with anger, which felt good, but I knew that there was gonna be hell to pay now. "Natemare, Asher." Blood said simply threw gritted teeth. "Pffffffffffftttttttttt. This will be too easy. I got this." Anti said and in a minute both Natemare and Asher were lying on the ground struggling to breath with green tridents holding then down by the throat. "Nice one Anti." I said and high fived him. I did notice something was off tho. Something about Natemares eyes just didn't sit right with me. I visibly shook my head as I was being ridiculous. I hadn't even seen this guy in 7 or 8 years, how did I even remember what his eyes looked like? It could also easily have been a new power. I came back to see Blood was using her powers to levitate a passed out Natemare and Asher up to her. "Another time." She said once again through gritted teeth and poofed away in a cloud of dark purple smoke. "Well, that was, interesting to say the least." Joey commented, waving purple dust away from his face. "More like too easy to say the least. Blood didn't even put up a fight." I pointed out. "That is a bit weird." Mark agreed, finally saying something, and Anti nodded, agreeing as well. "If I can point something out, something was off about Asher's eyes. They are normally a dark crystal blue, but now they were like a purplish red." Joe added. "I thought I saw something different about Natemares eyes too, though I just brushed it off seeing as its been years since I've seen him." I added putting emphasis on I've and pointing to myself as I said it. "Something can't be right then. That's gotta have an explanation behind it." Anti pointed out with his arms crossed. "Yeah, and I bet it has something to do with Asher attacking me. He'd never do that under his own will." Joe pointed out. Suddenly all our eyes went wide and I'm pretty sure we were all thinking the same thing. At the same time we all said. "Mind control."

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