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Writing is probs gonna suck because I'm still sick as a god damn dog. Thanks for the person who invented the common cold. I am going to disarm whoever did invent it. Well, BatSepticeye away! At least writing doesn't involve talking! All writing ideas for this chapter go to @DeathTouch7 Hope I got that right cause if not I'm the biggest dick in the world.


I woke up in a very strange looking place. Like a goody goody version of my side of our dorm room. I sat up and confusingly looked around. I immediately regretted my desicon, as I immediately feel off the god damn bed. (People seem to like doing that in this story) I pulled my hand up to my head when I saw that my skin was, tan. Why the hell? This better be Corupts idea of a summer prank. I used the bed to balance my self and looked to Corupts side of the room. No Corupt. And her side looked even weirder than mine. "Hey Mark are ye Ok? We heard a thud." A voice from behind me stated. It sounded some what like Anti, but not right on. I was almost afraid to turn around at this point. Some freaky shit is going on, and I'm not sure I wanna find out what. "Mark?" The voice asked again. I braced myself and turned around. I looked at the person standing in front of me. It looked so much like Anti. Wait a sec. If that's who I think it is then I'm fucked. Well let's find out. "Jack?" I asked nervously. "Yes?" He stretched out the e in yes to make it more dramatic. "Shit." I mumbled. "What's wrong? And what happend to yer hair, it's dark red!" I looked up at my hair and sure enough it was dark red. Looks like at least part of me came with. "Ugh, go get Kerrington." I said pointing to the door. I wasn't going to get any where with Jack. Kerrington is my hope here, sense she can contact Corupt, maybe we can figure out what the fuck is going on here. "Uh why?" He asked confused. I rolled my eyes. "Jack, just fucking do it, ok?" I said collapsing on the bed. I was not at all in the mood for this. Humans are already annoying enough. I think Jack took the hint, and went and got her. I was sure Kinley would come with, knowing how people/demons are. I was right. Kinley and Jack just looked confused all hell, but Kerrington on the other hand jumped back. "What the fucking hell are you doing here!?!" She asked in clear alarm. "Still trying to figure that one out myself. Can you contact Corupt so we can at least figure out what the fucks going on on there end?" I asked sitting up. She seemed to inch back when I stood up. "I'm not going to hurt you, idiot. If I did that I'd hurt Corupt. That's the one reason why I haven't tried to kill one of you yet. Or why Corupt didn't the other night." I reassured. She nodded and stepped forward again slightly. "Ok, what's going on here?!" Jack asked. "Should we tell them? Or can we tell them more accurately?" Kerrington turned and asked me. "Hey don't look at me, I jus found out about all this shit yesterday. You'd have to ask the others." I said putting my hands up. She sighed, and went into a trance.


Glitch, Anti, and myself were struggling to hold Dark down, who was completely freaking out. "Dark, calm yer tits, yer fucking fine." Anti said annoyed, trying to calm him down. "It's Mark!" He screamed. We all jumped back. "What?" Glitch asked. "My name is Mark, not Dark." He said. We all stared at each other, confused as all hell. "Ha, nice trick Dadk. We know you're not Mark. That's fucking impossible." I said crossing my arms and coming to the conclusion. Suddenly Kerrington contacted me. 'Uh Corupt we may have a small problem.' She said nervously. 'What?' I replied. 'Well, we kinda, sorta, just maybe..' 'Oh spit it out already!' I cut her off. 'Well, let's just say that, Marks not here in the overworld. Dark is.' She said sounding very nervous. "WHAT?!" I screamed aloud getting stares from everyone in the room. "He's not joking." I said quietly. "Who's not joking?" Anti asked. "Marks not joking." I replied still kinda in a trance. "Wait, so yer saying, that Marks in the underground, and Darks in the overworld?" Glitch asked, for confirmation. I nodded sheepishly. "Kerrington just contacted me, conforming it." I said looking down. 'Can we tell Jack and Kinley?' Kerrington asked. 'Yes, but be careful ok?' I stated. 'Ok.' She replied. "Ahem, I'm still here ya know?" Mark said taking me outta my thoughts. We turned our attention back to him. "Who wants to tell him?" I asked. Anti stepped forward and sat by him on the bed. "Well, a, Mark, yer not on Earth, yer a, under it. In the underground." Anti explained sheepishly. "This has got to be a dream." Mark replied. "No dream bud. The names Glitchiveve, but call me Glitch. I'm Kinley's demon counter." Glitch explained. "And I'm Corupted Nerd, or Corupt for short. Kerringtons evil counter." I said. "And I'm Antisepticeye, or just Anti. Jack's demon counter. And right now yer in Darkipliers place. He's yer demon counter. He goes by Dark. And according to Kerrington Darks in yer place in the overworld." Anti finished. Mark looked completely shocked and overwhelmed, with a pinch of doubt. "How are you in contact with Kerrington?" He asked. "Cause between the age of 15 and 18 demons and humans gain the ability to talk to there counters. It's pretty painful with lots of head pain. That's why Kerrington was in so much pain yesterday. But since she's human she had to hide the ability from you that she could do it, until you and Dark gained the ability. So far Kerrington and myself are the only ones with the power." I explained. He still looked doubtful, but not as much. "So what the fuck is all the shit. Why have Dark and I switched?" He asked. "We still don't know. This has never happened before." Glitch said shyly.


"Well Marks in the underground. And yes we can tell them." Kerrington said.  "What do you mean Marks in the underground?" Kinley asked still clueless. It sounded kinda adorable. (Woah Dark, you're supposed to be with Anti not me.) (Dark: I meant like an adult saying it to there kid. And please, I could never fall for you, Anti's mine) (Hurtful words, Dark, Hurtful words.) (Dark: just shut up and continue the damn story!) "Well, I'm not Mark, I'm Darkiplier." I said bowing with an evil smirk. "Right, yer a fan creation. Nice prank ye two." Jack said crossing his arms. "You guys this is not a fucking prank. This is serious shit. And if you two don't want to help save your best friend than get the fuck out, you're making it hard to focus." Kerrington snapped. "Yer pranking us and it's not funny." Kinley replied. "Can you please show them any proof?" Kerrington turned to me and asked. "Yeah but it depends on 1 If my powers work in Marks body on the overworld, and 2 I'd probably have to hurt them since they will think it's just a prop if I do it to something else." I explained. Kerrington nodded. Sorry Anti, sorry Glitch, but I gotta prove my point some how. I went threw my powers to see what was accessible. Of course the least damagable one Levitation. Ugh. I lead my hand over to them, then lifted it into the air, and they floated in the process. "What the fuck?" Jack nearly screamed. I chuckled. "Believe me now dick?" I asked. "Really, levitation, the least damagable thing? I was kinda hoping for them to get hurt." Kerrington said. "That's the only power I can access right now, I'm low on resources." I replied setting the two down. "Yeah, we believe ye, we believe ye Darkiplier." Jack said holding his throat. "Please call me Dark." I said that devilish grin returning to my face. Maybe this will be a little more fun than I thought it would be.

A/N: *Claps* I like, you like? Can't wait to see how the fuck they get outta this one. Also I'm sad, haven't had a funny time skip in foreves.      :( Hopefully next chapter. I take suggestions so feel free to comment, I read them all, and try to reply to them all! Anyways wrote this late at night on a school night, yeah good idea Kinley, real good idea. Anyways will Mark and Dark swap back? We will find out soon(ish) buh-bye!

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