New home

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Dark P.O.V

"Yeah ha ha! Pizza in the house!" Glitch hollered running over to Anti who had the pizza. Heh, she reminds me so much of Corupt. Anti set the pizza down then came back over to us. "I've learned jus to let 'er go at it." He said holding his hands up in defeat. I chuckled. "Who wants what here guys ya gotta help me out." Glitch said from behind the counter. "Three pieces of pepperoni and a piece of bread. Two sauce containers." Corupt said. Glitch nodded and got her stuff together at like the speed of light and brought it over to her. "Are ye two gonna eat or what?" Glitch asked with a laugh. Anti and I laughed back. "Two pieces of sausage and one piece of bread with one sauce container." Anti said. "One sausage and one pepperoni with two pieces of bread. No sauce." I said after Anti finished. Glitch nodded and got both of our things ready faster than she got Corupts one and handed it to us. She then went back to get her own which was exactly the same as Corupts. She sat it in between Anti and Corupts food then went back to the kitchen. "Drinks?" She asked opening the refrigerator. "We have cow blood, water, root beer, fresh blood, old blood, coke, and cherry limaide soda." She stated, looking back to us. Corupt got a root beer, Anti got old blood, Glitch got Cherry Limaide, and I got Coke. We sat down and ate. While we were eating I thought of something. What if Blood and Mad come back. I mean they know where they live, so what's to stop them? Nothing, that's what. Well I guess they could stay at our dorm for awhile. I mean we do owe them a lot from all the times we bullied them. They don't know where are dorm room is so it would be for the be- "EARTH TO DARKIPLIER!" "Wha, huh? Wha? Yeah, a O-okay whatever." I said after Anti screamed my full name. Anti and Corupt face palmed and Glitch sighed. "You didn't hear a single word we jus said, did you?" Glitch asked looking at me. I shook my head no. Anti looked at me. "What were you thinking about?" He asked curiously. I sighed. "We should head over and stay at Corupts and I's dorm. Blood and Mad know where you guys live and what's there to stop them from coming back here? They don't know where Corupt and I's is, so it'd be safer if we stayed at our dorm." I explained. "That's a good idea Dark. We should head over there when we finish eating." Corupt said, and the other two nodded. Good I was hoping they wouldn't think I was weird for saying that.

~Tiny Box Time Skip

We finished eating and we ate every last scrap of food, there isn't a crumb left. Glitch and I lost rock paper scissors so we had to walk all the trash over to the dumpster while Corupt and Anti started packing for Anti and Glitch. While we were walking it was kinda awkward silence, so I decided to ask a question that I've always been curious about. "Hey Glitch, what exactly is Anti to you? Like is he related just a friend, what?" I asked as I threw my load into the dumpster and held it open for her. "He's kinda both. The day we officially meant was when ye and Corupt took his drawings. We became best friends, and he lived in an adoption center. I lived with my older sister Becky, who new Anti pretty well, so we adopted him. So he's my adopted brother, and my best friend." She said as we began our walk back. That explains a lot. I decided to ask another question that's been keeping me awake at night. "What kind of demons are you guys?" "Lercortor." She replied, and I stared at her in shock. Lercortor?!?! Those are some of the rarest most powerful demons out there! I mean, I'm not common ethier, being a Dartery demon, but damn that's rare. Again, LERCORTOR?!?!?! "I know, shocking right? Ye never thought that we would be as powerful as we are, but life is full of suprises." She said with a shrug and a laugh. I laughed back. "Dude why did you and Anti let Corupt and I bully you all these years when you could've easily stopped it?" I asked. She sighed and looked away. "I thought Becky already told ye this? About Blood and Mad, and us almost killing them, and that's why there out to get us now." She said sounding annoyed. Well Becky did say they weren't going to be thrilled that she told us. "Duh, yeah she did, guess I forgot." I said with a weak laugh. She smiled back and laughed a little. "Yeah, that's why they're back. They want revenge on us, which absolutely sucks, but hey they don't wanna leave the past in the past, so what er we gonna do bout it?" She said with a slight laugh and a shrug. She does that a lot. I chuckled. We made it back to her dorm and Corupt and Anti were already outside with the bags. "Let's leave the car here. That way Blood and Mad won't see it at yer dorm and come there. Also texted Becks and she said it's a good idea for us to head over to yer place. Now I suggest that we get going before it starts getting dark, no pun intended." Anti said with a laugh looking at me. I laughed back. Surrrrrreeee no pun intended. We started our walk to our dorm. They didn't pack much. Some clothes, Laptops and stuff like that, and there gym wear. The walk was very quit, which was a little awkward, but not really. It was kinda nice just to take in the fresh air and surroundings. We finally arrived at our dorm. It was nice to be back. We got in and hauled there tiny bags into the room. Our dorm was practically a mirror image of theres. Just in a little better shape. We pulled out the extra mattresses and lied them near our bigger beds, then grabbed some pillows and blankets for them. "Thanks." Anti and Glitch said at the same time, which in turn made them laugh. Corupt and I laughed along. The rest of the night was spent with all of us jus scrolling threw our phones. But sooner then I wanted I felt sleep taking over. I didn't fight it, so soon all I saw was darkness as the dream world consumed me.

Glitch P.O.V (haven't heard from this melon in a while)

I heard light snores so I looked over to see both Anti and Dark fast asleep. "Jeez, how much sleep do those to need, it's barely 10 o'clock." I said locking my phone away and putting it on the night stand. "Apparently more then us. They didn't even have the will power to move to there separate beds, such animals." Corupt joked shaking her head. I laughed. "Yeah but I suggest we at least move Anti to his bed, considering the fact that our plan isn't complete yet." I replied with a wink and a grin. Corupt smiled back and carefully the both of us moved Anti down onto his mattress. We smiled in completion and marshmallow high fived, not wanting to risk waking them up. "OK now get on with the dream giving, lady." I said laughing and shoeing her off. She laughed back. "OK ok I'm going jus give me a sec." She said. She worked her magic mumbo jumbo on them like she did last time, practically exactly the same way, then went back over to her bed and plopped on it. "This is really to much work." She said with a sigh. I smiled. "Don't worry, it'll all be worth it in the end. I can't wait to see how they act at the gym tomorrow." I said rubbing my hands together with a smirk. She smirked back. "Speaking of which I suggest we get some sleep since we are probably going pretty early, right?" She said getting under her covers. "Yeah, at least Anti and I normally go pretty early. It's less busy." I said crawling into my own little bed. She chuckled in reply. "I bet, well good night." She said before turning off the light. I laughed. "Nighty night." I said lying down to let sleep takeover. Tomorrow is gonna be fun.

A/N So a lot went down this chapter. Dark figured out some stuff about Glitch and Anti, Tiny Box Time Skip arrived on the scene, and most importantly they got to eat there pizza. Alrighty so if anybody has any suggestions for next chapter I'm open. And I will credit whomever I got the idea(s) from. So with that being said, see you bosses in the next chapter, Buh-bye, also, DANTI AWAY!

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