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Anti P.O.V

I landed on the floor pretty damn gracefully if I do say so myself. "Why the hell were you two just in the air!?!?" Mark shouted. "This is getting annoying." Corupt said her face in her hands. "Dark probably jus had to prove his point to Jack and Kinley that it wasn't jus a prank by you and Kerrington. Basically he jus levitated Kinley and Jack, causing us to levitate in turn." Glitch explained. "But why did you two levitate?" Mark asked. At this point I was with Corupt. I would rather be at the hands of Blood and Mad at the rate we are going. I sighed. "Whatever happens to them happens to us, and vise versa. Well to an extent. Like when we are hurt, they are hurt, when they're hurt we're hurt. That kinda stuff." I explained. "But for something like a demon using its powers, it only works if said demon uses it on the human counters. If the demon uses it on the demon counter, than nothing happens to the human version." Corupt added mater of factually. I rolled my eyes at this while she smirked. "OK I know I'm probably not supposed to like you, but that is honestly pretty cool." Mark said with a shy smile. "Well that's not entirely true. You can like us, but it's not very likely to happen, since most demons think humans are annoying pieces of shit." Glitch said with a shrug. "Well that puts things into prospective." Mark said with and eye roll laying back on Darks bed. "Well what the hell do we do about this?" I asked. Me and Glitch looked at Corupt. "Don't look at me how the hell am I supposed to know? Um, maybe call Becky? You think she may know what to do?" She asked. "Doubt it. She barely even knows her own name, let alone something like this." Glitch said. We sat in silence for a few moments before an idea came to my mind. "Maybe the library will have a book about it in the human section? There's all kinds of humans and demons history there." I suggested. "That's a good idea Anti, but what if we run into Blood and Mad. We're a demon short and I highly doubt the three of us could do much damage alone." Glitch said gesturing to the three of us. "There's always another option." Corupt said with an evil smile.

~ The Author captures a wild time skip, gaining 1,000 HP and the ability to be a lazy writer

The next thing I know I'm standing out front of PewdiepieEXE's dorm. Oh joy to the world and merry Christmas. We imformed the others of what our plan was, and they had the same thoughts on there end. Thankfully, Pewds gained the ability to talk to Felix when he was 15, so this will make things quite easier. Plus he's a decently powered demon, so he will be of service if we cross paths with Blood and Mad. Another upside, Pewds doesn't really dislike anyone, and no one really dislikes him either. Man, guess we just scored a home run on this one. Mark was extremely nervous about this, for absolutely no reason. It was quite honestly hilarious to watch. We knocked on his door and after about 5 seconds he answered. "Woah. This is a really weird group of demons to come across. Antisepticeye and Glitchiveve, hanging out with Corupted Nerd and Darkiplier? Boy I never thought I'd see the day where you four became friends." Pewds said, his arms crossed looking sassy. Right, he didn't know about this whole thing yet. Mark was again about to protest that his name was Mark but thankfully Glitch covered his mouth, so all you heard was muffled attempts at words. "R-right, about that, can we come in, like now?" Corupt asked nervously. I think Pewds sensed this. "Yeah of course." He said before leading us in quickly. He closed the door and followed us staying closely behind. "So may I ask why you're here?" He asked as we all took seats inside. "Read my mind of the last week." Corupt said sternly. Oh, did I forget to mention he can read minds? If I did, he can read minds. Pewds looked confused but none the less did so. This took about a minute till they both came back to reality. "So that's why his hair is so light and bright!" Pewds said with a laugh while Mark looked at his hair. "So when do we leave?" He added. "ASAP. We need to figure out what the Fuck is going on and fast." Glitch said.


Dark P.O.V

And this reminds me even more of why I hate humans. They are so boring and annoying. Exibit A=boring: There is nothing we can do to help this cause, since humans aren't supposed to know of our existence till a certain age, meaning there is nothing in there libraries. Exibit B=Annoying: We had to explain this entire thing to Felix (we being Kerrington and myself) because he can't read our minds. At least I didn't have to prove it to him since he already knows of our existence. He basically had the same reaction as Kerrington. The what the hell are you doing here thing. Another thing on the bright side, at least he came over here. So 5 years later and here we are. Sitting in awkward silence. This is better than anything I've experienced here so far. God I hope we figure this out soon. I do not want to be here at all and I miss my friends. Woah. Since when does Darkiplier miss demons? Guess you never know how much you love someone till you aren't just a phone call away. "Hey Kerrington?" I finally asked breaking the comfortably awkward silence. "Yeah?" She replied looking up to me. "Could you check up on the others?" I asked. She nodded and a few minutes later she was back. "Alright so they just got to the library. She said that everything went great with Pewds and that-" Felix cut her off there. "They'll contact us when they find out more." He said with a smug smile. "I will hurt you Felix." Kerrington said not even looking at him. He just laughed it off. "So what do we do in that time?" Jack asked. "Shut the fuck up and just relax? Oh yeah Dark that sounds like a great idea." I said with an eye roll. "Oh come on Dark, there's gotta be something you like to do other than be a big grump." Felix said enthusiastically. "About the only thing Mark and I have in common is video games. And I highly doubt you wanna play video games with me." I said with yet another eye roll. "Corupt and Pewds learned that the hard way." I mumbled. After a few more moments of silence Kerrington spoke. "What if we do something that benefits us all, and you like to do?" She said with evil intentions writen all over her face. "I'm listening." I replied. "What if we payed a visit to Ihascupquake and GamingWithJen. Dark you could beat them up with your levitating powers, hidden of course, hurting them, and Blood and Mad. It's something you like doing, and it helps us all, and it's a time killer. Win Win Win for us all." She said. I think this is the first time I've cracked and actual smile the entire time I've been stuck here. "Oh, know you're thinking my think." I said rubbing my hands together. "Woah, isn't that like, dangerous or something? If they find Dark, they could spread the word about demons. Or about Mark being some type of freak." Felix countered. "Yeah, like I'd let that happen. Trust me on this one Felix, I think I know what I'm doing." (How many of you wanna bet he doesn't know what he's doing?) I replied. "But what if you don't Dark? It won't end well." Kinley agreed. "Oh you guys worry to much. Trust me, alright?"

~ An annoying Time Skip blocks the story

Anti P.O.V

After looking through almost every book in the library we finally found one that may be helpful. All You Need Too Know About the Connection Between Humans and Demons. Fun. We through it down on the table and Corupt sat right front and center. She opened up the front cover to reveal the table of contents. We all began skimming and scanning for anything that may or may not be helpful. "Look! There! Chapter 18: If Places are swapped!" Glitch exclaimed. "Alright Glitch!" I said hugging her. "We may be getting somewhere here!" I added. "OK so it says: It's very rare that Humans and Demons swap places, and it is very unpredictable when it happens. It's extremely hard to fix, and you only have two weeks to fix it before the change is permanent. But however this is not impossible." Corupt read aloud. "Gee, reassuring book." Mark said with an eye roll. "In order to swap the misplaced beings back yu have to..."

A/N BAM what? Cliff hanger. And yes I actually updated and I feel good about it. I feel bad that it took me foreves to upload this tho. Sorry guys, really. Hopefully my schedule will be clearer soon, but it depends on how much soccer my dad is going to force me to do...😑 But the Story must go on none the less! I got Time Skip stuff in so I hope you guys liked those. I did. Anyways see you Rollinites in the next chapter, BUH-BYE!

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