Mischievous Dreams

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Corupt P.O.V (bout time)

Dark and Anti had both fallen asleep pretty early. Leaving just Glitch and I. So far I really like Glitch. We actually have quite a bit in common. While we were talking an idea came to mind. "I have an idea." I said, pretty cliće. She smiled, with a hint of a smirk. "What, what? Tell me!" She said, pretty giddily, which in turn made me laugh. "Alright calm down. We have got to get Anti and Dark together, don't you agree?" I asked, with my signature smirk of seriousness. To my pleasure, she smirked back. "Definitely. I already have a plan!" She responded rubbing her hands together. "You can give people dreams, right?" She said, REALLY evily. Ok hot damn, why haven't I hung out with her before? Don't answer that. "I know where your going with this." I replied getting into position. "Ease into it though, no porno right away." She said. I laughed. "Porno?" "It's a term my friend uses. Just no sexy sexy yet." She said with a shrug and a laugh of her own. I nodded and gave them there dreams. "This is going to be fun." I said sitting back next to her. "OK so here's the plan. We jus keep giving them those dreams until one day, one of em jus slips and says something, and then when they confess, er try, we start saying we ship it we ship it. Then when it finally happens we say couple made and high five." Glitch said. Wow she was being so evil right now, I love it! "They are going to kill us when they find out." I say with an evil smirk of my own. "It's probably the best case scenario." She said with a laugh. I laughed with her. We decided we were going to sleep now. Our plan will work out in the morning, hopfully.

~ Isn't there supposed to be a night skip here? Not me, the time skipper? *night skip runs in* SORRY, I'M HERE! NIGHT SKIP!

Dark P.O.V

I shot up in my bed, beads of sweat coming from my head, and I was panting. 'What the hell kinda dream was that?' I asked myself. I looked at the clock and it was like 4:30 in the morning (Author: NIGHT SKIP!) (Night Skip: I skip the night, not the morning.) (Author: UGH fine I'll jus have to work with it, DANTI AWAY!) Ok so your probably wondering what my dream was. Well I was here with just Anti, and Anti alone. The girls had went to see ghost busters. (Author: hehehe) Anti and I were playing prop hunt, just the two of us. He lost by one point and got mad. Then I accidentally called him babe. Whoops. He ran out crying and I just sat there. Now here we are. Why would I call Anti babe? I mean yeah he's cute and adorable, but it's not like we are dating or anything. I'm not even sure that I have feelings for him. I mean, maybe my brain is telling me I do? I dunno. Ugh! Here we go again with to many questions and not enough answers. I layed there for another half an hour, and realized I wasn't gonna get anymore sleep. Thank God it's a Saturday. I went to the small kitchen they had and made myself some coffee. I made enough so the others can have some if they wanted too. I watched as the coffee machine buzzed and sizzled. I heard light footsteps coming into the kitchen. "Hey Dark." It was Anti. Of all people it had to be Anti. "H-hey Anti." Wow pro skills Dark. Way to keep your cool. The coffee maker buzzed signaling it was done. "I made some coffee if you want any." I said grabbing a mug to pour myself some. "Thanks." Anti said with a smile. I smiled back. Seeing him happy for some reason made me happy. I walked over and sat down at the table, Anti shortly following. The girls came in not so long after words. They seemed really happy for some reason. They got along really well. The two reminded me of children. Ok who am I kidding I'm like the father of three kids right now. All three of these teens are practically kids. I smiled at the thought. "What's got you all smiley Dark?" Corupt asked. "Just thinking." I responded with a smile. "Whateves." She said, and went back to what ever her and Glitch were talking about. Anti turned and looked at me. "So, the girls found this really cool new game called who's your daddy. Wanna play it with them later?" He offered with a smile. I smiled back. "Yeah of course!" His smile got even wider. "YAY!" he shouted, making me and the girls laugh. Then he laughed with us.

~ ok I'm back, back again! From the dead! To skip the time!

Anti P.O.V

It was a little awkward to play who's your daddy with Dark considering the dream I had last night. (Pretend he just explained the same dream as Darks cause I'm to lazy to write it, XD) "I'm not sure that we played that right." Glitch said, barely able to contain herself from bursting out in laughter. "Not at all." I said, in the same state she was. Everyone was in that state. All the daddy did was help the babies kill themselves. Definitely not how your supposed to play it. None the less, we had fun. Especially cause Becks came back in the middle of playing, and screamed what the hell when she saw the purple dildo on the screen. We couldn't stop laughing. Then about 10 minutes after that she had to come back and tell us to he quiet. Yeah right, telling Glitch and I to be quiet. Does she think that could actually happen? "We should start working on our projects, unless you guys wanna fail 10th grade." Dark said, joking around. We all agreed that failing 10th grade wouldn't be the most spectacular thing in the world, so we started working. Ugh, fantastic, the project is for Social Studies, just fookin fabulous. I hate social studies, absolutely hate it. Glitch hated it just as much as I did so at least I wasn't alone. Dark and I had to study up on the Declaration of Independence, while Glitch and Corupt had Booker T Washington. Well I would rather have Declaration of Independence than Booker T Washington. Dark researched while I write down what he said. Most of the time I didn't even bother to look up, I just write and nodded. Suprisingly Dark was pretty hard working. Something I didn't expect from him. I mean he gets decent grades, C's B's the occasional A, but I really didn't expect him to work this hard. He's actually putting in some effort. "Alright I dunno about you guys, but I need food to live, so can we pack it up for the night and eat?" Corupt said, setting some papers down in frustration. She got really good grades, but easily got frustrated with her work. Glitch laughed. "I'm aight with that, wanna order some pizza?" She said closing her laptop. I nodded in agreement shutting my notebook. "What bout ye Dark?" I asked looking up. He smiled at me. "Sounds good to me." He then closed my laptop that he was using. We went to the kitchen and Glitch began ordering some pizza. I grabbed two ice packs and tossed one to Glitch, so we could ice our shoulders. I walked over and sat next to Dark on our stools in front of the counter. Glitch hung up and walked over to the three of us. "Ughhhhh, I feel like shit. Anti can we PLEASE go to the gym tomorrow morning? We haven't been there in a few days and it's killing me!" She said looking directly at me. I laughed. "Yeah, sure, we can head to the gym tomorrow. Ye guys are welcome to come to if ye want." I said offering it to Dark and Corupt. "Wait, you guys work out?" Dark asked staring at me like I just cursed him out. "Ah, yeah, like everyday of we get the chance." I said scratching the back of my neck. "Actually we were on our way to the gym when we had our first encounter with Blood and Mad." Glitch said quietly, looking down. "That's what we were doing when we couldn't work the first day on the project with ye. Glitch had had a panic attack, so I had to take her home, and the gym calms her down so that's where we were going." I added looking at Corupt and Dark, who looked extremely shocked right now. "Why did you have a panic attack?" Corupt asked looking at Glitch who jus looked away. I looked away as well. "Come on, you can tell us, we won't make fun." Corupt said, trying to ease her. "Want me to tell them?" I asked putting my hand on Glitchs. She nodded and kept her gaze away from mine. I sighed and turned my attention back to Dark and Corupt. "It was because of ye guys." I said plain and simple. Corupt covered her mouth, and Dark gave no reactions. I looked over and Glitch was quietly sobbing. "Glitch, I-I'm s-so sorry, I-I had no idea, I-I..." Corupt trailed off. Glitch looked up and put a hand on her shoulder. "It's o-ok Corupt, that's in the past now, w-we're friends now, aren't we?" Glitch said with a soft smile, walking over to our side of the counter. Corupt shot up and hugged her tightly. I could tell Glitch was shocked at first, but hugged back. I sighed in relief. "So, ye guys gonna come to the gym tomorrow with us, er what here?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah sure, we'll come, I don't see the harm in a little working out." Dark said. I smiled and the door bell rang. "Probably the pizza, I'll get it." I said, standing up and heading to the door, grabbing my wallet on the way. I opened the door and sure enough it was the delivery girl. "Hi, I have pizza delivery for McLoughlin?" She said with a smile. "Yeah that's us, how much do we owe?" I asked opening my wallet. "$36.09." She said. I pulled out the money and handed it to her. She smiled and handed me the three boxes we ordered. "Thank you." I said. She smiled and said. "No thank you, have a nice night." She waved and went on her way while I brought the pizza back to the kitchen.

A/N Cliffhanger on Pizza. This was supposed to come out a few days ago but wattpad crashed on me and I lost half my work :'( but none the less here's the new chapter. See you bosses in the next chapter! :D

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