Getting Worse

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Glitch P.O.V

"Does that thing even work, Glitch?" Pewds asked looking over my shoulder at the device in my hands. "Maybe it'd work better if you weren't hanging off my shoulder asking if it worked every two seconds." I said through gritted teeth glaring at him. We were sitting in the local subway in the Populace demension, trying and failing at Mission Darkpossible. He backed up in mock surrender. What I was holding was supposed to track Lark demons, but the problem was, it tracks all Lark demons. Not just Blood and Mad. And like we've mentioned, Populace demension, ginormous population, so you can imagine how many Lark demons are here. There was a dot almost every five miles. "So how are we gonna do this if we can't pinpoint where Mad and Blood are specifically?" Dan asked. I sighed. "Just have to watch out for power signatures near us, or coming at us." I express. "We didn't come into this very prepared, did we?" Pewds asks. "Gee, what made you think that?" I say sarcastically. "This thing is helping us on the defensive position of things. We've got enough fire power for offensive.  The problem is we can't find this god damn key. Any ideas?" I ask, looking up for once. "Well unless one of us is either part dog or has a doctorate in energy path findings, then I say we're pretty much screwed." Phil says laying his head on his arms on the table. "And I'm not either of those for sure." He adds in a mumble. We all silently agree. "So what's our next move?" Dan asks after a period of silence. "Have we really even made a move yet?" I ask, using my right arm as a kickstand. "Not sure on either of them." Pewds says in a light tone himself. Phil and Dan are sitting on oneside, while Pewds and myself are on the other. "Gooooooooooooooooooooood morning guys!" I here a familiar friendly voice say. I look up sharply to see exactly who I thought. Shit, how much of that did you hear? I think to myself. "Hey, UselessBlog. Good to see you man." I say, and stand up to hug him, Pewds doing the same. "Um, since when do you have friends that aren't evil sociopaths?" Dan asks, as Phil had retreated to shy mode. "Apparently since now." Pewds explains. "I was gonna say good point but then Pewds made a better point so good point to Pewds." I say with a subtle smirk, just to piss Dan off. He glares at me and Pewds laughs at our childish demeanor. "So what's up with you Useless? You here for any good reason?" Pewds asks. "Nothing much. And I came here to eat. I'm more concerned about why you two are here. From what I heard of your conversation it isn't anything real good." Useless replies. And you heard to damn much. Guess we need to take whispering 101. I think to myself yet again. I share glances with the others. I can't catch Phil's eyes as he is shrunken back and isn't even really paying much attention. But I can catch Pewds and Dan's eyes and they've got the same look I do. Questionability and worriedness. "Should we tell him?" Pewds speaks up after a moment. "The real question is can we trust him? He could be working with you know who." Dan says raising his eyebrows as he says you know who. "We could use the extra hands. And he is pretty trustworthy from what we know about him." I point out. "Um, I'm right here ya know? You don't have to talk about me like I'm not here." Useless buts in. I sigh and share a final glance with the others who nod. We seem to have made a silent decision. I beckon for Pewds to sit back down then turn to Useless. "Sit down and listen up. And know your getting yourself into something extremely dangerous and possibly life threatening." I say simply than push him into the booth before he can protest, then sit down myself and start explaining.

Back with Darky cause we gotta make sure he isn't killing people...

Dark P.O.V.

Felix has basically given me his fidget spinner. I need it in order to stop from fidgeting. It can't really help my thoughts, but at least I'm not sitting there shaking like a ticking time bomb. "Welp. Corrupt just sent me an update. Seems they have a new face, in the form of HackerJoe, a new enemy in the form of Asher Lee, and a new tip. Mind Control." Kerrington stated walking into the room. Kinley, who was sat next to me on the couch, eyes widened, and she visibly jumped. "What a minute, hold the damn phone." She said closing her eyes shaking her hands and head. "You're telling me, that the evil counter parts of Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee are involved in this?" Kinley stated crossing her arms. "Yeah, and...?" Kerrington said almost confused. Kinley sighed. "Imma have to try and get a hold of them then. I'm pretty damn sure they both have the ability, they both had a period of time with a lot of head pain sooo, they could possibly come in handy." Kinley said falling back into the couch. "Why not call them now?" Kerrington asked. "Duh, it's fucking 1am in Brighton you dumb shit." She says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Noted." Kerrington says. The other two trudge into the room. "Guys, fans are starting to get ravenous and worried with Mark's disappearance..." Felix trails off. "Your point being? Not like there's much the 5 of us can do about it. Not like Dark can or will film for him, and we can't really do it." Kerrington retaliates crossing her own arms. "Case and point right there." I say still not taking my eyes off the fidget spinner. "Uh.. D-Dark?" Jack says quietly. "Yeah?" I say annoyed. "Dark, your eyes." Kinley says from beside me. "What about them?" I ask setting the spinner down and looking up. All four of them were staring at me, more or less my eyes. "What?" I asked irritated and annoyed. "Look." Kerrington says handing me her handheld mirror. I take it and look into it. I gasp and drop the mirror the minute I see what they're talking about. The deep brown eyes of Mark that were supposed to be there, weren't there. Marks eyes were now most definitely my eyes. Fully black with very very small red pupils. "Holy shit." I mumble unable to think of any other thing to say. When Mark and I originally switched, the only thing that came with us was our hair. I looked exactly like Mark with darker red hair. But now I had my eyes. That couldn't mean anything good. Just then the doorbell rang. Kerrington scrambled to pick up her now broken mirror, Kinley quickly went to answer the door, while Jack gave me some sunglasses. "Here, wear these for now." He said. I quickly put them on and put my hoodie up over my head. Felix walked over to us. "Its MatPat and Nate." He said worriedly. "Felix, saying two names means nothing to me." I say coldly. "Shit." Kerrington and Jack both said at the same time. "Kinley's stalling for time, what do we do!" Felix urgently whispered. "Well we can't let them see Dark!" Jack responded. "No, I thought that we'd just be able to explain that to them easily like 'Oh, by the way Mark's stuck in hell while this demon version of him is here, no biggy!'" Kerrington responds sarcastically. "Dark, go hideout in Mark's room, we can find out if one of them has the ability. They could be helpful!" Kinley says walking into the room. She stated it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. It kinda was. We quickly scurried around, me quickly hiding out in Mark's room. The deathly silence gave me some time to think. Why have Tiffany and Jen been so quiet. Since my attack on them they haven't tried anything in return, which is weird. I guess I can't really talk since I don't exactly know them. I start thinking about lots of things,  most of which I probably shouldn't have been thinking about, but I did anyway. I hope to god that one of them has the ability, that way we can finally get some more answers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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