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After we finished filming I got right to editing wanting to waste no time to post. Jackson helped me edit it since I had forgotten how to and he's better at it then me for now. Soon the video was uploaded and we told all our friends to watch it and tell their other friends for the rest of the day I just watched American Horror Story and ate food.

Soon my second favorite youtuber Liza Koshy uploaded her video it was GET MONEY! DOLLAR STORE WITH LIZA. A/n I highly suggest Liza and her channel she's so funny I watched it a couple times before getting up and decided to go to the gym I asked jack if he wanted to come and of course he said yes we walked most of the way but had a small race on the way there we tied of course but I almost beat him.

When we got there we mostly messed around with the bikes and ran super fast on the treadmill. We played a little basketball but nothing to serious. We decide to play a quick game of 1-1 volleyball I won that time cause he's not good at volleyball. We walked the way home I fell asleep after taking a quick shower and cleaning my room a little.

I woke up in the morning with a couple notifications nothing major mostly just my friends laughing at the video Jackson and I had made. It had about 300 views and about 100 likes but that's with both of our friend groups watching. It was still fun to make though and I'm hoping we'll make more soon.

Today is Saturday so I decided to go to my best friend Tylers house (she's a girl). I called her quickly to see if i could come over. She said i could i quickly packed a bag and put on some shorts with a tank top leaving my hair and makeup they way they were and got in my car. I had to drive my car about 15 minutes to get to her house but I just jammed out in the car till I got there.

When I got there she dragged me to her room I awkwardly walked passed her older brother and a couple of his friends. Some of them stared at me and I instantly wished I'd worn longer shorts. I gave them a small smile before walking faster behind Tyler.

When we got to her room we just hungout. She was also a fan of the dolans so we could fangirl together. We watched our favorite videos of theirs including when Grayson got his wisdom teeth out, the diss track video, different types of parents, most likely to, and the night Santa stole Christmas. But those are just a few of our favorites the list goes one for awhile.

We went downstairs to get some pizza and drinks. Again we had to walk past the guys but this time they got up and followed us into the kitchen. As I walked me and Tyler exchanged werid looks but we got to the kitchen and got our food we were about to walk away when Karson her older brother picked her up and carried her to her room locking her in her room. He came back down quickly and I just stood there and looked at the floor very awkward and confused. I looked at the 4 boys standing in front of me. They were all kind of attractive which made me even more anxious then I already was. We just stood there for a couple of minutes listening to tyler slam on her door and yell. I tried to get past the guys but they would just move in front of me. Finally a cute and tall brown haired boy with freckles talked "What's your name" he asked. "It's Lainey. Lainey Link..." I replied kind of confused. "Karson what's going on why don't you just tell them stuff about me I've know you for like 12 years" "I know but they wouldn't stop whining so here we are" " and why exactly did you want to talk to me" I asked getting annoyed. "Well we actually don't know" a shorter but hotter blond haired boy with a jawline carved by God himself said. "Okay then..." I said trying to get passed again but it was no use I soon gave up and sat on the counter. "Wait what are your names even" I asked less annoyed now. The brown haired boy spoke first "Well I'm Justin" the blond guy with the jawline talked next " I'm Caleb and that's Adam" he said pointing towards a very tall tan and muscular boy. They were all seniors since I'm only a sophomore so I was kinda scared to talk to them but then I thought to myself "why not" So i asked them why they needed to talk to me again and this time they had an awnser. "We saw your video" said Adam with a slight smile. Anxiety instantly flowed through me and I felt like I needed to pass out.

Haii I told you I'd upload soon😏😂 so I uploaded 2 in a row. AND THIS ONE'S LONGER I WASNT RUSHED YAYYYY.😂 please comment me any suggestions and don't forget to vote and follow okie byeeeeee💚

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