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~Ethans P.OV~
I'd gotten a lot of comments to go on some girl Lainey Links younow I've never heard of her. Apparently her and her brother are new to youtube and they're really good. Idk I'll check out they're channel later. I click on television app and see a really beautiful girl eating a lemon. She squeezes her eyes shut and makes a sour face I laugh at how cute she is and continue watching
The fans wanted them to awnser questions but they didn't want the girl Lainey I think her name is said once the get 100k subscribers they'd awnser questions. Instead they played truth or dare. It was really funny so far a kid her brother im guessing Jackson had to eat a small cup of mustard and a girl i dont know had to wear her clothes inside out. When it was Lainey's turn picked truth Jackson asked "Who is your celebrity crush" A gorgeous smile spread across her face then she said "Well kirsten and Jackson already know but my celebrity crush is the Dolan Twins. She smiled bigger and I smiled a huge smile at the sound of her saying their name. If you don't know them they're names are Grayson and Ethan they're Youtubers and they are MMMMM MMMMM FINE plus they're the most goofy kids ever." She said I laughed at what she had said about us. I saw a lot of comments saying that they ship me and Lainey She laughed the sweetest laugh and told her friend to get ready for bed "okie guys it's sad to say it's time for us to go" she said i smiled at the sound of her voice
"But I love you guys" Jackson said
"But I love you more" she laughed
You wish" Jackson said
"Fight me I dare you" she challenged I laughed at they're argument
"Fine fine you win" then he whispered to the phone just kidding guys I love you more"
"BOII GET OUTTA HERE" she said pointing towards the door I laughed because she thought she was gangster.
He just laughed and said one last goodbye.
"Okay guys you can be expecting a vlog in 2 days but thanks for watching and tell your friends bye I love you" then she rolled away.
She was so cute and childish and playful I knew I had to meet her. I clicked on their youtube channel and saw they're first video was them roasting eachother. It was cute how serious she looked. I wanted to follow her instagram but didn't want fans to get suspicious. So I added her snapchat instead. I added her brothers to cause he probably post with her like I post with Gray. I added them both and checked their stories there was one of Lainey dancing on Jackson's story and I found that extremely funny. Then another of her sleeping but it wasn't a bad picture I screenshoted it. Then I check on Lainey's story I see her putting some shaving on a paper plate she walks up to a sleeping Jackson and slapped him in the face she fell down laughing and I just admired her. Jackson got up and chased her then they're was a picture of her and Jackson all wet she captioned
"We're even😁"
I screenshoted that to.
I went to find Grayson to tell him about Lainey.
Once I was done he looked more then annoyed
"great buddy I'm happy for you"
I could tell he was just trying to get rid of me so I went to my room I was thinking about Lainey when I fell asleep.

I was awaken by my phone ringing. I awnser it and greet who's calling
"Ethan hun it's Kari"
"Oh I Kari how are you" I ask
"I'm great but I have a bit of a problem and I'm wondering if you and Grayson could help me out"
"Sure Kari what's up"
"Well do you know those new siblings Lainey and Jackson?" I smiled at the thought of Lainey.
"Yea I think I've heard of them"
"Well they're coming to LA for two weeks and have no place to stay so I'm wondering if they could stay with you and Grayson?" My heart flutters and without even asking Gray I agree
"Um yea I'm sure that'd be alright"
"Alright thank you so much they'll be here in two weeks so I'll call you when you need to come meet them."
"Alright bye Kari"
Hai. Okay so I wanted to try something new and go in a new point of view so here's Ethans I'm really excited for the plans I have for this story thanks for voting, commenting and following☺💘

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