14 1 1

After the mall I took tyler home. I watched her enter her house to make sure she was okay. I then left. When I got home Jackson was setting up the Camara for the video we need to film. It was now Christmas break so we had about 2 weeks with now school.

Jackson told me he wanted to post a regular video with two vlogs every week. I thought it was a good idea so I said we could try it. I went to get dressed in a simple cozy outfit. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and did some easy makeup.

I got Jackson some light colored kackies and a black shirt with and some black Vans. After he got dressed I styled his hair in a swoop like hairstyle. When we were both ready we had to think of a video idea.

I was kind of feeling adventurous so I suggested we play dare or dare. He liked my idea so we both tweeted out asking for dares. After about an hour we had a couple good ones so we sat down in front of the Camara and started filming.

"HEY GUYS WE'RE BACK" We both yelled in unison.
"And today we're playing dare or dare" I said energetically
"So we tweeted out asking for dares and we got a couple of good ones that in excited to see Lainey do." He said with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes playfully and replied "But more importantly your awesome yet evil minds gave us some good dares so let's just get into it."
"So Jackson dare or dare"
"Truth" he replied with a smile
I laughed a little then said "dare it is. I dare you to eat a bowl of soup with no hands." I said excited to see him hurt himself.
"Uggg fine let's go"
Jackson ended up burning himself and spilling soup all over his outfit but I just laughed.
"Okay Lainey dare or dare"
"Hmm I'm gonna go with dare"
"Okay I dare you to eat a whole lemon"
"Easy" after that I ate the whole lemon only making a few sour faces but it was actually really good so I didn't mind.

We did a couple more dares then we ended the video. Me and Jackson went to clean off because the video got a little messy before editing some of the video and save the rest of the editing for tomorrow. When we were done it was about 9 pm. So I decided to post a snapchat saying I was excited to show the new video.

I then opened my new favorite dolan twin fanfic and read that. I was reading till I got hungry. When I got up I checked what time it was it was already 3 so I'd been reading fanfic for about 5 hours. Opps. I got a small snack before going to bed.

--The next day--

I woke up around 12 and went to change into some sweatpants and a sweatshirt because it was really cold today. I went to my bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I brushed my hair throwing it up into a bun.

I went to find Jackson to edit the rest of the video. He was in the living room with Vanessa they were watching something on Netflix. I could hear Landon playing video games up in his room. I got Jackson and told him we had to edit he got up and left to his room to get the laptop.
"Hey Lainey can I go to a friend's house today like right now"
"Sure do you need a ride?"
"Yea that'd be great"
"Okay then go ask landon"
"Uggg Lainey you know he won't give me one"
"Sorry but I have a video to edit"
"Whatever bye" she said walking out the door.
I went up to Jackson's room and we finished editing. We posted the video some time around 3pm. It already had gotten a lot of likes and views in the hour it was up. In an hour we had gained about 800 subscribers. This is so crazy me and Jackson had a dance party to celebrate. When I thought he was taking a dance break he was actually video taping me on his snapchat. He's sneaky but I'll get back at him sooner or later.

Hey wass up hello. Thanks for reading this story. I have a lot planed for the next couple of chapters so be ready😁. Don't forget you vote, comment, and follow💜

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