Can't Tell a Lie (Soulmate AU)

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A/N: This one is my favorite I've written so far, so I'm posting it first. Also, I guess I owe you guys an apology for not posting anything for so long. I am so sorry, I just have recently been obsessed with Phan. Have you seen the Hogwarts aus? Tbh, those are my fire. Ok, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not in any way pretend this is real and I do not own Dan and Phil (I wish).

Phil rubbed his temples, trying to study. He just couldn't seem to concentrate. Last month, his best friend Chris had found his soulmate, and had begun hanging out with Phil less and less. Phil couldn't really fault him for it, he was a great guy and he deserved Jen.

Unfortunately, Phil on the other hand, had always found it easy to lie to everyone. You couldn't lie to your soulmate. Phil lied to every person he found remotely attractive, and he always told them  he had been lying immediately afterwards, feeling guilty. But nothing had ever stopped him.

Phil sighed. It was only the second year of college, he would find someone eventually. There was plenty of time. Then, there was a crash from around the bookshelf.

Phil jumped in his seat, and looked to see a very nervous looking Dan Howell standing up through a gap in the books. He was glancing around, and then his gaze met Phil's through the books. His face hardened.

"What're you looking at?"

Dan Howell was well known as a crazy party guy around campus, and he was cool and popular and everything Phil was not. He was also very attractive, and very straight. He made that clear, even though everyone knew he was still looking for his soulmate.

Phil, on the other hand, was quiet, and he hated parties. He also hated Dan, because even if he was extremely hot, Phil didn't like how he treated other people, like they were beneath him. Phil had never actually talked to him, but he didn't care.

"Don't just stare!"

Dan walked around the bookshelf, glaring at Phil, who had been lost in thought. Phil felt like he should've been worried.

Just Dan's presence was ticking him off. The way he stood, the way his perfect hair fell over his face, the way his brown eyes were full of angry embarrassment. Mostly anger though.

Phil didn't know what came over him.

"Don't just staaare."

"Do you even know how childish that is?"

"Do you even KNOW how chiiildish that isssss?"

"Fuck you."

"Fuck youuuuu."

Phil barely ever swore, but right now he was just intent on annoying this boy as much as possible.

"Oh well, I guess you're just trying to copy me because you admire me and want to be just like me."

This snapped Phil out of it.

"I don't-"

Phil then made a sort of strangled choking noise. He raised his hands to his throat as he tried to force the words out, and his eyes went wide.

He did admire Dan, his looks at least.

And Phil couldn't tell a lie.

"Uh.... Are you ok?"

Dan looked a bit worried, as the strangled coughs were still coming out of Phil's mouth. Then, he stopped trying to talk and a wide smile spread across his face.

"Oh my god. I've never been happier in my life."

Dan looked confused, and tilted his head. Phil didn't care anymore about how Dan was mean and popular, he'd found his soulmate, and he was so happy. He stood up, and put his hands on Dans shoulders. Dan tried to push him off, but gave up after about a second, still confused.


"Dan, tell me my eyes are brown."


"Tell me my eyes are brown."

Dan seemed to realize what Phil was doing. He wrenched himself away, backing up.

"No. I'm straight. It can't be you, it can't."

"One way to find out."


Dan took a deep breath, not knowing what he was feeling. Half of him hoped desperately that Phil was his soulmate, and that he would find him so early on in life, but he was split right down the middle with a trench the size of the Grand Canyon. The other half of Dan screamed that Phil couldn't, and WASN'T, his soulmate. That he was straight, straight, straight, and he did NOT want to have anything to do with Phil because he'd probably be disowned.

"Your eyes are-"

He choked on his words, and his throat closed up. Dan coughed, and he was filled with both incredible joy and world shattering dread.

Then, Phil tackled him in a hug. Dan hugged back, clinging to his new soulmate. Then, Phil began to pepper kisses all over his face, and Dan laughed. He hadn't laughed in a long time. Eventually, their elation ended in a long, sweet hug. Standing there in the library, their arms around each other's shoulders, and Dan was crying, and Phil was crying, and they finally pulled apart.


Phil was breathless, and he wiped the tears from his eyes before helping Dan wipe his own tears, dragging a thumb across his cheeks.


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