Through the Window (Drabble)

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A/N: This is just a quick little drabble I wrote in like 20 minutes. Just thought I'd post it anyway. Might post two today to make up for it. I could make this longer, or write a part two of you want. Comment please. Anyway, here's Dan low key creeping on Phil.

Disclaimer: I do not in any way pretend this is real and I do not own Dan and Phil.

Dan breathed heavily, lugging the final box into his new apartment. He sighed, it was getting dark. He was happy he had moved to LA, the job opportunity had been so good he would've been insane to turn it down.

He looked around at the apartment. It looked kind of sad. The walls were white and the rooms were empty save for the brown cardboard boxes piled up everywhere and his mattress on the floor. It was the one thing they had unpacked so he could sleep.

He sighed, sitting down on the empty mattress. He felt homesick. He assured himself, though, that he would unpack tomorrow and everything would feel a lot more normal. So Dan lay down in his empty house, ready to sleep.

But he couldn't.

Dan finally gave up after about two hours of lying in the dark empty room. He stood, sighing, and walked to the window. He looked out, over the city street. He thought all the colorful lights and car sounds were beautiful, especially in contrast to his colorless apartment.

He let his gaze wander, immediately feeling more relaxed. He leaned on the window ledge, gazing out over the street.

Eventually, his eyes wandered to the apartment building on the other side of the street. It was a lot more run down then his, and in the window across from him he could see light.

He looked through, and he could see a man with ebony hair dancing around to some sort of music, wearing an apron and holding a spatula. He seemed to be looking into the man's kitchen. He smiled. He couldn't tell much, but the way the guy clumsily moved to the beat, flipping what must've been pancakes, was endearing in a way. Dan laughed, smiling as the man nearly dropped his pancakes.

Soon, Dan fell asleep leaning on his window ledge.

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