A Roomate of the Soul Kind

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A/N: Alright, I kind of hate this one myself as it has a shit ending, but thought I'd put it up anyway as the idea was cool. Also, to make up for only posting one with 300 or so words earlier today. Anyway, this one is the longest I've posted yet, even though, like I said, the ending is shit. Well yeah. Just read it. *minor swear warning

Disclaimer: I do not in any way pretend this is real and I do not own Dan and Phil.


I woke up.

I yawned, but as I was pushing back the duvet I felt an inexplicable fear. It wasn't my fear, but it was there, closing up my chest and making my ears ring.

Where am I? Help! Somebody help! I can't control my body!

Those weren't my thoughts, either. Then, the fear was real, and it was mine as well. There was someone in my head. I pressed my fingers against my temples as I adjusted and this new... Person continued to call for help. Finally, I calmed myself enough to try to "talk" to whoever it was.

Who are you?

OH MY GOD are you the person controlling my body? Where the hell am I? Why are you doing this? What-

Hey, Hey, calm down. This IS my body, and we're in my room. I did not, by any means, do this, and I have no idea why you're trapped in my brain. I'm sure I'd love to get you out just as much as you would!

Ok... If it's your body, then prove it. Go look in the mirror.

Ok fine. But then tell me who you are, deal?


I shakily stood up, wondering who the hell was in my head, and why. Why me?

I walked to the bathroom, and the person stayed quiet. When I stepped in, I was relieved to see my own face staring back at me. Thank god.

Oh, so it is you...

See? Now tell me who you are. I'm assuming you don't know how you managed to get into my head, or you wouldn't have called for help.

Yeah, you're right about that one. Alright... I'm Phil, and I guess I'm your new body mate.

Ech, that's weird. Um... Hmm. What do you look like? I'd like to have something to visualize when you're talking to me, for whatever unknown amount of time.

Stay calm Dan. Just stay calm.

Unknown amount of time?! You have to get me out of here! And fast!

Sorry dude, I'm in university if you haven't noticed, this is a dorm, and I have to go to school! I can't skip class to go on a wild goose chase trying to get a second soul out of my head! I'll get you out of here as soon as I can, just tell me what you look like!

Ok ok fine... I guess I'll just accept the fact that I'm stuck in some university boy's head, possibly indefinitely. I'm 24, I have black hair and blue eyes, and I'm pale as a sheet. Can't know how you'd think I look...

Alright then. Just... Try to stay calm? I'm going to class.

Throughout the day, Phil became more and more annoying as Dan tried to concentrate on his classes. He did, however, become quite useful when Dan had absolutely no idea how to do a math problem.

As soon as Dan reinterred his dorm, he slammed the door and slid down against it, ready to work.

We are going to get you out, one way or another.

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