Left and Right

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A/N: Urgh, it's 8:00 I almost didn't get this up today. Sorry it's so late. At least I'm still keeping up with the schedule. This is pure fluff. If you don't read my daily notes, I'll have you know I got a Quotev *yay sound effect.* It's all the same as here. Anyway, enjoy. :3

Disclaimer: I do not in any way pretend this is real and I do not own Dan and Phil.

"Ok! Everyone up, new seats today!"

As the cheerful voice of their social studies rang throughout the room, the class let out a unanimous groan. It was interrupted by a few calls of "Thank God!" "Finally!" and "Yes!" but for the most part the class was perfectly content where they were in the rows of desks.

Everyone slowly vacated their seats and crowded over to the left side of the room.

"Ok! Chris. Louise. PJ. Carrie..."

Some of the students cheered and others groaned angrily as the teacher continued to rattle off the list, pointing to a new desk each time she said a name.

Dan tuned out her voice, wondering what was new on tumblr today. He didn't particularly care for the seating arrangements. He thought really should update his second blog. And oh, didn't he run out of cereal again this morning? They should really have a cereal fountain or something at the store, with just endless cereal pouring out. That would be cool. And then people would just lean backwards with their mouths open and-

"Daniel. DANIEL!"

Dan's head snapped up. Several giggles could be heard from various parts of the room. The teacher glared at him, gesturing exaggeratedly towards an empty desk. He sat down quickly, and she moved on through the list of names. Dan sighed, cursing himself for being so tall as his knees pressed against the underside of the desk. He was such a noodle, Jesus Christ.

It was only now that Dan took the time to evaluate his seating arrangement. It was a large class, so all the desks were touching in rows facing the front. On Dan's right side, sat a kid he knew to be Tyler Oakley. He seemed alright; Dan had only talked to him once or twice. On his left sat a tall kid Dan knew only by face. I mean, his face was kind of hard to forget. His fringe was swept to the left, opposite of Dan's. He had intelligent blue eyes and pale skin and glasses. His face also had an unfamiliar uniqueness to it, like no one Dan had ever seen. It was kind of cute, even if Dan was 100% heterosexual (no homo).

They shared a small smile, as if saying "ok well you aren't too bad to sit next to." The teacher then began passing out an assignment, explaining how they had to answer questions about Mexico. Soon, Dan picked up his pencil, although he was planning on more doodling than actual work.

What is the distance from the east coast to the west coast in Mexico at it's widest point? The paper read. Dan had no clue, so he scribbled down a random answer and moved on to the next question. This continued for several more questions.

Hmm. Mexico's culture is most widely influenced- No, Mexico's culture is subjected-

Dan's d turned into a swirl as an elbow jostled his arm.


"It's okay." Dan mumbled, half to himself. He quickly erased the swirl and began writing once more.

"I'm Phil!"

Dan awkwardly shook hands with Phil; they had different dominant hands. Dan was left and Phil was right. That must be the cause of the elbow bump.

"I'm Dan."

Throughout the class, it became more and more annoying to sit next to Phil. Dan was constantly erasing and rewriting random letters that had been ruined by Phil's elbow. Phil was having the same problem, but he kept apologizing every time it happened even though his own writing was just as inhibited as Dan's. For some reason, Dan found this annoying.


As Phil apologized for the twentieth time, Dan glared at him.

"Stop apologizing!"

"Sorr- Oh."

Suddenly, Dan burst out laughing. He couldn't explain it; it wasn't even that funny, but soon Phil laughed along with him. They laughed until they were doubled over in their chairs, tears in their ears.


The voice of the teacher rang through the room.


Phil gasped through his laughter, and this only made them laugh harder.

*time skip*

Dan and Phil exited the principals office. It had been a strange encounter; no one had ever been sent to the office for laughing so hard they were disturbing class before.

As they walked down the hall, Phil turned to Dan and grabbed his shoulder, before awkwardly dropping his hand to his side.

"Er, we should hang out. Sometime. Outside school."

Dan's mouth turned up in a smile at Phil's awkwardness. He was cute.

"I'd love to."

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