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A/N: AGH I MISSED A DAY! I'm so sorry, yesterday was just a bit busy. I had to clean my entire room and then we had to drive half an hour both ways to go to an art place thing (which was honestly great fun), and I had no free time until we got home at like 5:30. At that point I was exhausted, and I've been getting minimal sleep this week so I just caught up on YouTube, ate dinner, read a bit and went straight to bed (at like 10:00! Wow, early night!). I wasn't feeling inspired and these stories usually take about an hour or two to write. IM SORRY! I feel less accomplished in life already. Alright, let me just give you your story. This one is extra long to make up for it, so have some food for thought.

Disclaimer: I do not in any way pretend this is real and I do not own Dan and Phil.

"Dan! I'm home!" Phil called as Dan listened to the sound of the front door creaking open and closing with a thump.

"Hi Phil." Dan said. He could hear Phil's footsteps drawing nearer to him. He heard a thump as Phil dropped his bag near the counter, the exact same place he did every day. That was so Dan didn't trip on it.

Dan felt the couch sink a little as Phil sat next to him. The remote clicked as he turned on the TV. It was just background noise to Dan; people talking about things he didn't really care about.

"How was your day, Dan?" Phil asked curiously.

"Same as ever." Dan replied, sighing. He hated how Phil went off to work long hours every day, bringing back enough money for both of them, but there was really nothing he could do. He worked at home the best he could; online mostly, using his special computer with voice recognition for most things. Because no one wanted to hire a blind kid.

It wasn't all that. Dan hated going out in public as well; he could almost feel the pity and (more rarely) disgust radiating off the people around him. He knew they stared at him, even if he couldn't fully understand what that was. From the books he had read (or his computer read to him) he would describe it as feeling people's eyes boring into the back of his head.

Phil had been his best friend ever since they had lived next door as children, he never seemed to mind that Dan was blind. Even now, he didn't mind. Dan was still able to appreciate the same things; Anime, Music (definitely), and Video Games (or listening to Phil play them). He liked how the noises in the Anime conveyed what was going on; he had even learned a bit of Japanese from the endless hours of listening. He liked how Phil would comment over the Video games and what was happening for him, the frustrated sounds he would make when he died and he enjoyed the video game music. He especially liked story games; he could never remember laughing and just having so much fun as when he and Phil played Undertale, and Phil made voices for all the different characters. He loved music. It was what he assumed seeing something beautiful or sad felt like. It was something he could appreciate just as much as the next person; maybe more. Phil had taken him to a Muse concert once, and he had never enjoyed being with so many people before then. No one payed attention to him. There had just been thousands of people packed together, swaying, dancing, shoulders brushing, all with a mutual appreciation for the music.

Dan contemplated life as he sat through the news broadcast. He did this a lot. It wasn't that he minded being blind, it was all he knew. He just hated feeling like a hindrance to Phil and everyone else, even though he brought an ok amount of money in. Phil always told him he really didn't mind, that he loved spending time with him and that work wasn't so bad. Dan was grateful for it.

And sometimes, on rare days, he did mind being blind. He wanted to experience the world like everyone else was, to not be fated to be an outcast. He wanted to go outside and not have people pity him. And most of all, he wanted to look at things. To know what it was like to see "colors;" to understand how orange and pink bleeding together in the sky would be pretty. Bleeding wasn't nice, so how was that? Dan knew that would never happen, though.

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