Pain and Pleasure

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A/N: Ok, here we go. This one is the one. WARNING DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH MINOR MENTIONS OF HAND JOBS AND JERKING OFF. Alright, that's done. There's nothing in too much detail, because I still can't stomach writing that stuff too much. This one isn't too much of a story, just a little "day in the life" Au. Here you go.

Disclaimer: I do not in any way pretend this is real and I do not own Dan and Phil.

Dan was sitting in his history final, and his face was red as a beet.

He had studied for days, but now all he could do was shift uncomfortably in his chair, trying to look like he was paying any attention at all and hiding his face with his fringe. But to be honest, he really couldn't care less about the Cold War when his soulmate was CLEARLY busy.

Dan groaned into his hands. His soulmate really had to choose this time to get off? Couldn't he do it later?

You see, you can feel a anything your soulmate physically feels, and at the time Dan was feeling pleasure shooting through him like crazy as he tried to concentrate. Dan knew he was gay, as he had felt this before, and his soulmate had to be a guy to make Dan feel like he was getting a hand job.

Dan squirmed in his chair as his soulmate finally stopped, and he tried to concentrate for the last five minutes of the exam. He knew he had already foregone a B, but he was hoping to slide by with a C-. History had never been his favorite subject anyway.

*Time skip*

Dan walked down the hallway, trying to get away from his school as fast as possible. Apparently he wasn't fast enough.

Dan yelped as he was shoved into a locker.

"Fag. We saw you in history."

It was Dillon, the hulk of the 9th grade. He had his hands on Dan's collar, and Dan could feel the cold metal handle of the locker digging into his back. He knew there was no escape. They'd seen him, it was all over.

"Fuck you."

It was the wrong thing to say.

Dan could only gasp as he was held up by his neck against the locker, his legs dangling. He struggled, but he was weak against Dillion. Then, he kicked out, and that was his second mistake.

Dillion punched him, hard. Dan knew he would've flown backwards if it wasn't for the locker pressing into his back. He recoiled as Dillon dropped him, moving to kick him. Dan could only curl into a ball and cry as Dillon kicked him, over and over. Never stopping.

His classmates watched, if only for a moment. Some looked guilty, because they couldn't stand up to Dillon. Some looked scared that they would be next. Some even looked Fascinated. And worst of all was that terrible look of pity.

Dan didn't scream once, he only cried himself to sleep in that hallway long after Dillon was gone, unable to move from pain. He didn't even notice how hard the floor was, or how cold he was since the heat was turned off. He only slept, forgetting his pain.

*Time skip*

Phil rocked back and forth, back and forth, pulling the duvet tighter around his shoulders as he felt the horrible sensations of being beaten to a pulp. He bit down his lip to stop a scream.

That was the worst part.

Then, later that night, Phil moved tiredly around his house, feeling sore and cold. He could only imagine what had happened to his soulmate, and he felt incredibly sorry. He decided he should help, so he got out an electric blanket and wrapped himself in it, easing his soulmate. Phil just hoped he would live, as he didn't plan to feel death anytime soon.

Poor soulmate.

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