Shh, Tyler!

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A/N: Hello and welcome to what happens when someone is like "Do a coffee shop Au with Tyler in it!" And my only idea of Tyler is from a minimal amount of videos and FuturexPoptart 's portrayal of him in some septiplier roleplay. Don't get me wrong, I love Tyler he's great, I'm just not a huge fan. I think he is the perfect character for this though. Blah blah blah here you go

Disclaimer: I do not in any way pretend this is real and I do not own Dan and Phil.

Dan walked into the café.

He approached the counter.

Behind it stood an average-height girl with brown hair and brown eyes. She had caramel skin and she looked about Dan's age, if a little younger. She looked up from whatever she was writing and slapped the notebook closed, surprising him and causing him to jump a little.

"Hi, what can I get for you today sweetie?"

Dan carefully scanned the menu, searching for the cheapest thing he could find. He didn't really have that much money; he came here because the smell of coffee and the gentle chatter would calm him down.

"Just a muffin, please."

"Alright honey, that'll be $1.57."

She handed the muffin over, smiling sweetly at him.

Dan went over and picked an empty table, though it wasn't really hard considering the café was nearly empty. He supposed he'd just have to miss out on the gentle chatter piece of calming him down.

Dan buried his head in his hands, rubbing his eyes. He wasn't actually going to eat the muffin, at least not now. But you had to buy something to be here, and though Dan was desperately craving a warm latte, the smell would have to do. He just couldn't afford to spend more than $5 before lunch today.

Dan just sat there for he didn't know how long, head in his hands, not touching the muffin in his hands.

Suddenly, his head jerked up as someone plopped down across from him with a loud thump.

It was the counter girl. She pushed a large latte across the table; it was almost as if she knew coffee so well she could predict what people wanted. Then, she grabbed Dan's muffin.

"If you're not going to eat this, then I will."

She took a large bite of the muffin, and Dan was going to stop her when he realized he'd just been given something much more expensive and much more appealing in return. So Dan just wrapped his hands around the latte, pulling it towards him. It was warm under his fingers.

The girl wolfed down the muffin. Then, she just stared at him, watching intensely. Dan nervously sipped the latte, and the warmth flowed through him relaxing him a bit.

"W-Why did you give me this?"

Dan's voice was croaky, so he took another sip, letting the liquid run down his throat, warming him up from the inside out.

"You looked like you needed it, kid."

The girl was younger than Dan, but somehow she just radiated this safe motherly vibe. It didn't feel weird when she called him kid. He glanced down at her name tag. Pen. Huh, what a strange name. Somehow it seemed to fit her.


Dan dipped his coffee again, maybe a bit too quickly, as he ended up choking a little bit and spitting coffee all over the table and the girl in front of him.

She didn't look at all fazed. She just wiped up the coffee with her sleeve and used the other sleeve to clean her face, then clasped her hands and held up her chin, elbows on the table.

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