Mistaken For a Foreigner

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A/N: So finally an update! (Hi Julie) But as you can obviously tell, the update schedule is off. I wrote a message about it in the conversations, but I was waiting to alert you here until I had another story to put up. I honestly hate putting up chapters that are just authors notes because it sets people up for disappointment. But I'm very sorry about the schedule, it can't be helped because of school. :(. Anyway enjoy my newest phanfic! Note: It's from a prompt I got off OTP prompts on tumblr (love them!). Also, I just remembered what this is and I realized maybe I should write a warning. Oops. DON'T READ IF YOUR UNCOMFORTABLE WITH MENTIONS OF GAY SEX. Second warning for dedicated phandom members: IMPLIED TOP DAN. Ugh sorry I had too. I agree Phil tops but don't blame me this had to be done.

Disclaimer: I do not in any way pretend this is real and I do not own Dan and Phil.


I rushed to shut the door of my car, not realizing my shirt was stuck on the handle. I soon found myself caught in the door, ending up with my shirt stretching as I struggled to free myself. Eventually, I just ended up reopening the door.

Once my shirt was unstuck I raced towards my new office building. Curse you clumsiness gene, now was not a good time.

It was my first day at my new job and I was already ten minutes late. I burst through the doors and practically sprinted to the lift. I pressed the up button far too many times.

After what seemed like an eternity but was probably no more than a minute, the lift dinged and the doors opened. I ran in and was already slamming my hand into the button for floor five as two guys casually chatting stepped in behind me. Oh no, please don't make me talk to them.

"Merde!" I cursed under my breath. It was French, of course. I could never imagine a situation where I would actually curse in English. I didn't actually know French, but one day me and my friend had been having a discussion and he cursed, and I told him to mind his French. I didn't know why people always said that, but it sort of stuck from there.

As the lift doors closed, one of the guys glanced at me with a strange expression. He must've heard me. I inwardly cursed my social awkwardness as I pointedly stared at the wall.

The guys continued quietly chatting as the lift moved up, and soon it was floor five. I stepped off, relief flooding me at avoiding the social contact. Then, I remembered my predicament and why I was in such a hurry.

I sprinted down the hall.


I chatted with Chris, my flat mate, as we stepped into the lift. The same guy was there as yesterday, with the ebony hair and startling blue eyes. He was incredibly hot. It was quite a shame he didn't speak English, as I wasn't really sure what he'd been saying under his breath but it wasn't English. The guy stood in the corner again, not paying us much mind.

"...but I think I'd rather have a talking sofa then a table. I mean, you could just sit on it's face and-"

"Chris. Your bi."

"Yeah.... Duh. Have you seen the Italian guy who lives in the apartment above ours? Well let me just say-"

"What do you think of that guy?"

"Which one?"

I rolled my eyes.

"There's only one other guy besides us in the elevator, Chris."

"Right. Well, s'pose he's alright. Wait... Why do you want to know?"

"Well I just think he's incredibly hot."

I could feel my cheeks heating up. The guy in the corner didn't move, but if I had been paying attention more closely I might've seen his Adam's apple bob as he gulped. Thank goodness he didn't speak English.

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