I Found Him in a Bathroom

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A/N: I was just looking through my old notes and I found this. It was originally going to be chaptered, but we all know how consistent I am with those... So I just thought I'd post it, it's obviously unfinished and never will be. It's also old, and doesn't reflect my current writing, but I judged it post-worthy. Oh, and thanks SO much for 1k reads!!! Anyway, I might post some more old unfinished stuff, what do you guys think? Enjoy! (TW? I guess? For getting beat up?)

Dan Howell had been living in the streets for exactly 3 weeks.

Those had been the worst three weeks of his life.

Four weeks ago, his parents had kicked him out. Three weeks ago, he had run out of money to pay for a hotel room.

Dan's parents weren't at all the kind you would expect to kick their 17 year old kid out of the house. They had taught him to be good to everyone; they loved him and sent him to school. They made him do his homework and rewarded him with sweets and gave him toys for Christmas.

Unfortunately, Dan had been raised in a three room apartment, and his parents were barely hanging on above the poverty line. Five weeks ago, Dan's father had lost his job, and apparently they hadn't cared about him as much as they let on. They had decided he was old enough to survive on his own, so they had kept their apartment and kicked him out.

They sold all of Dan's belongings, with the exception of a few sets of cloths, a backpack with only the essentials, and his phone, which now only worked on wifi.

Three days ago, Dan, not knowing the ways of the streets, had angered a street gang by attempting to sleep near a place that, unbeknownst to him, happened to be their base. He had barely escaped, and he was under the distinct impression they had been trailing him since Tuesday.

So that's how Dan ended up desperately trying to wash himself off using only the water from the sink of a dirty gas station bathroom.

The lights in the bathroom were flickering, not in a creepy way, but more in a "this bathroom has needed maintenance for years but we don't want to bother" way.

The faucet on the sink was bent, and there were no paper towels. The walls and stall doors were graffitied to the point of no return, and the floor was strewn with toilet paper. Everything was stained with unknown substances, and the toilets didn't exactly look sanitary.

Dan sighed, splashing water onto his face for a third time. In the mirror, he looked just... tired. His face was no longer smeared with dirt, but he had enormous bags under his eyes from lack of sleep and his hair was matted and uncombed. And curly. Just as Dan was about to turn off the faucet, he heard the door creak open.

Before he could turn around, his face was forced into the sink and the water blinded him. Dan spluttered, trying to struggle, but the hand was too strong.

Dan's throat was filling up with water, and he was sure he was going to drown. Then, he suddenly felt himself yanked up by the collar of his shirt, and thrown down to the floor, head banging against the sink on the way.

Dan coughed up water, blinking furiously to try and see who it was. His head spun, and as he gasped for air his eyesight finally cleared enough to see.

It was the leader of the gang from Tuesday. Apparently they'd finally caught up to him.

"Hey buddy."

Dan just stared, wide eyed.

"If you hadn't run away on Tuesday, we might've let you off with just a few bruises. But no one escapes us without a beating."

"And That's. What. You're. Going. To. Get!"

The man delivered a kick with each word, and Dan whimpered, curling in on himself. Finally, the gang leader stepped back. He smirked.

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