Potions with Professor Slughorn

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A/N: I absolutely love Harry Potter aus, and this is just a big ball of fluff. Enjoy yourself. I'm actually very proud of myself for my consistent updates so far, but I have almost run out of one shots to publish here. I just have a few more. I guess that will just force me to write more. K have fun reading this!

Disclaimer: I do not in any way pretend this is real and I do not own Dan and Phil.

Phil nearly tripped over his own feet as he rushed to potions. Great. It was the first day of second semester and he was already late.

He finally burst through the door, red faced and panting.

"Sorry I'm late professor! My book bag-"

"I don't want another one of your excuses Mr. Lester. You're lucky that we spent the first 10 minutes of this class catching up on Christmas break. Just sit down."

Phil nodded, hurrying over and collapsing into his seat next to Dan, clutching his side from running. Professor Slughorn was definitely used to Phil being late. It wasn't his fault. He just got... Distracted easily. Besides, today he had a genuine excuse. His book bag had split.

Dan gave Phil an amused look before turning back to listen to whatever Professor Slughorn was talking about. Phil stuck his tongue out at Dan before joining him.

"...but today we'll be doing something a little bit different. We will not be mixing any potions, but I think you'll enjoy this lesson. We are delving into a subject I'm sure many of you are very interested in."

The professor paused for effect. Phil was inclined to roll his eyes, but he held back for the sake of not getting detention.

"Love potions."

Phil couldn't hide his interest. Even as a person who was hardly getting by with an acceptable in the class, he found this incredibly intriguing.

"As today is the first day back from break, we will be starting with a very basic assignment. Even the most basic of love potions is extremely difficult to concoct, so today I have a writing assignment for you."

Some of the students groaned, but most still had their interest peaked and opted to stay silent.

"There are many types of love potions, but one of the most commonly known is the Amortentia potion. Can anyone explain to me what this does?"

Not so much to anyone's surprise, Phil's friend PJ Liguori raised his hand. He was a ravenclaw, top of their year. Everyone knew he'd never gotten less than an Outstanding and he was incredibly creative. Slughorn sighed begrudgingly, suppressing a smile as he called on PJ. Everyone knew PJ was one of his favorites.

"Amortentia is in fact one of the most powerful love potions known today. It causes an extreme sort of infatuation, and it is known to smell differently to each person based on what attracts them."

"Very good, P- Mr. Liguori."

Slughorn beamed.

"As you can see, in front of each one of you there is a flask. This flask contains Amortentia. You cannot smell it now, as the lids are tightly sealed. As you may have already guessed, your assignment for today is to write about what it smells like to you. There is no specific length, just be descriptive. I warn you, the flasks are glued to the tables with a powerful charm. Do not attempt to steal, or the consequences may be severe. Also, I suggest that you resist the urge to get too close. Though it is highly unlikely due to the small amount of potion, it can pull you into a trance or unexpectedly take affect. You may begin."

The class immediately fumbled for parchment and quills as they carefully removed the lids of the flasks in front of them. Dan had to lend Phil some parchment as he had forgotten it after his book bag had split ("Really Phil, you were 10 minutes late and you still forgot?").

Phil could already smell tiny hints of the potion in the air, and see the expressions of bliss on the faces of his classmates. He reached forward and carefully uncapped the lid of the flask, leaning towards it a slight bit.

The smell was heaven. It was the most wonderful thing Phil had ever smelled; in that moment he wanted nothing more than to let his eyes flutter shut and sit in pure bliss forever. Instead, he forced himself to keep his eyes open, attempting to pick apart the individual scents that made it up. He began writing.

I never really had a liking for my nose. Wouldn't really matter if you lost your sense of smell, right? Boy, was I wrong. Right now I am incredible grateful for the amazing smelling Amortentia in front of me.

I smell flowers. I think they are water lilies, and I can just imagine them glittering in the sun with the thousands of droplets of due clinging to the petals.

I smell home. More specifically, my bed. It brings me a sort of sense of comfort.

I smell blue. Well, not really, but it's a sort of smell like sugary water, or rain, and I assume it's what blue would smell like if it did have a smell.

I smell popcorn. This one's self explanatory, but it's making me hungry.

And last of all, I smell this sort of familiar smell, I can't place it. It reminds me of Hogwarts, of something nice and warm, and of brown and green.

Phil was lying. He put down his quill, it wasn't a serious assignment so it didn't need block essay format or something. But he was lying.

He knew exactly what the last smell was.

It was Dan. The friendly Slytherin who had talked to Phil when no one else would. His best friend with sparkling brown eyes that lit up when he saw the ceiling of the great hall the first time, before they were sorted. The boy who he had learned magic with, had snuck away into the forbidden forest all those nights. The warmth of his green Slytherin scarf as Phil nuzzled into his side watching quidditch in January.

He would never admit it, of course.

"Hey PJ, what does yours smell like?"

Phil's train of thought was interrupted. He looked up to see PJ and Chris (who were seated in front of him and Dan) turned around in their seats. It was Chris who had asked. Chris was a Gryffindor in their year, and he was PJ's best friend and sort of Dan and Phil's friend as well. He was also a chaser for the Gryffindor quidditch team.

"I smell paint. And parchment. And I smell metal. Strange, Huh?"

PJ told them what he smelled. Dan nodded. Who the heck smelled metal? Ick.

"I smell water lilies. And blue. And popcorn."

"Phil, how on earth can you smell blue?"

"I have no idea. Honestly."

"Whatever. Chris?"

"I smell Christmas sweaters. And pumpkin juice. And PJ of course!"

Chris jokingly threw his arm around PJs shoulders dramatically. PJ flipped his hair just as dramatically.

"How could anyone not smell me?"

"No idea. Your turn, Dan."

"Oh, um. I smell butterbeer. And broomsticks. And printer paper. And one more thing I can't quite place... Sort of happy, and warm, and clumsy and sweet. I don't know"

He looked genuinely puzzled, as if he really didn't know. Maybe it was a person, like he was for Phil. Phil's stomach dropped a little at him smelling someone else in there. Chris looked at Dan with a confused expression.

"What the hell is printee paper?"

"Oh, it's a muggle thing."

They spent the rest of class joking around, as all of them had finished their assignments. Phil kept accidentally leaning towards his flask, trying to get another whiff of Dan. He was right over there, but Phil couldn't just reach over and smell him.

Phil smiled brightly at Dan as they packed up.

"See you in Charms."

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