Happy Birthday

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A/N: So one day a strange fangirl had the idea to write about Phil getting really upset past midnight... And what results is just plain "Oh Phil..." This story is just plain platonic fluff. Edit: I AM SO SORRY FOR THIS AND I HOPE THIS NEVER HAPPENS TO OUR BEAUTIFUL RAY OF SUNSHINE ON EARTH. Sorry I was a new fan when I first wrote this, just had to add that in. I enjoyed writing it, so hope you enjoy reading!

P. S. This was written before Phil's 30th birthday.

Disclaimer: I do not in any way pretend this is real and I do not own Dan and Phil.

Dan's POV:

I heard the beep of my alarm.

I blindly flailed my arm around, missing several times and hitting my bedside table before my hand finally smashed down onto the snooze button. I sat up, blinking the blur of sleep away. I looked at my clock. 5 am.

Why on earth did my alarm go off this early?

Then, I remembered. It was Phil's birthday! He turned 30 today, and I was planning to surprise him. I leapt out of bed and hurriedly got dressed, still pulling on one sock as I bounced out my bedroom door. I tiptoed towards the kitchen, careful not to wake Phil.

I mean, he slept like a rock, but you could never be too careful!

I got to the kitchen, and I walked to the fridge, pulling out ingredients. I added a bit of sugar, a bit of flour, and vwala! Cupcake batter!

Ok, well it wasn't that easy, and I did make a mess. But I cleaned it up, putting the red velvet cupcakes in for 20 minutes.

Then, I got to work; I put up balloons, a happy birthday banner, and I put on a party hat. When the cupcakes were done I set two on the table and carefully lit a candle in one for Phil, and then put the rest away for later.

Just as I placed the final touches, a tired Phil walked in, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Dan? W-What's going on?" He said through a yawn, and he was still in his pajamas. He didn't have his glasses, and his vision must've been blurry from sleep.

"Happy birthday, Phil!" I said, grinning.

He seemed to remember something sour, and his eyes darkened for a moment before his face spread into a smile. I decided to brush it off.

"Dan! You didn't have to do all of this for me." He said, looking around at all the balloons and the "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" banner.

"Yes, I did! It's your birthday! Now cmon, have a seat." I said, and he sat down, looking at his cupcake. I sat down across from him. Then, I badly sand happy birthday, and Phil burst out laughing before he stopped, suddenly, and looked a little sad.

But he blew out his candle and took the first bite of his cupcake so I could eat. I wolfed mine down, but by the time I was done I looked up to see Phil staring sadly at his, not touched except for that one bite.

"Phil?" I asked, and his face immediately formed a forced smile.

"I'm not hungry, you can have mine too." He said, pushing his plate towards me. I decided not to question it, he just wasn't hungry. I ate his cupcake too, not wanting to waste my hard work, and then I stood up, grabbing his arm and pulling him up from his chair.

"We're going out! Go change." I said, shoving him gently towards the hallway.

"But-" Phil said.

"No buts. It's your birthday, and we are going to have a great time, ok?" I said. He sighed, and walked to his room.

Once he had changed, I pulled him out the door. We got in the car, and I was driving.

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