Chapter 18

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"To think you were dragged in this makes me sick. I know what it's like to lose the life you had just because you became this-this.."

"Creature," Aiden finished. They were in Colton's room which he was going to share with Aiden.

"Right," Colton said. "Where did you live?"

"Illinois," Aiden said.

"What? How did you get here?" There was no way Phoebe could drive to Illinois in one day.

"Phoebe already turned me a while ago and left me with one of her friends to drive me here."

They continued speaking and it was all fine until Phoebe told them to get ready for hunting. "It's dark out so this is perfect," she said.

They shared a look of anxiety. "Have you done it yet?" Colton asked quietly.

Aiden looked to the ground. "Yeah."

"It's okay." Colton patted his back lightly. "I'll kill and you make sure no one sees, okay?"

"I can do it myself," he replied.

Colton shook his head. "It's fine. I can do it."

After a long pause Aiden finally said, "Okay."

Colton didn't want to kill, but he also didn't want anyone else to face the aftermath either.

And that's how their friendship started. Colton was always looking out for Aiden, helping the one person who understood him. They had each other's backs and protected each other like brothers.

Along the way, they started adapting quickly, but they still wanted out of it. The thought of being a normal human again sounded like a dream and the only way Aiden coped with it was with anger. There were scenes where he would lose control because he was so angry. It was so much rage that Colton didn't know what to do. That made Colton mad as well.

"Calm the hell down!" he yelled at Aiden. "We'll get our lives back but you acting like this won't help."

They argued and argued until it eventually escalated to horror. Colton was radiating with fury and it ended with gore and violence. The flashing results of his actions made Violet flinch.

"What have you done?" Aiden asked, horrified.

Colton stared in deep regret at the dead bodies beneath him. "I-I didn't mean to." Phoebe warned them about excessive anger but he never understood why until that moment.

"This is all my fault," Aiden said.

Colton held out a hand for him to stop. "I did this, not you."

After the incident, Aiden was able to manage his temper, afraid anything like that would ever happen again. As for Colton, he never knew how to properly control himself.

When more people started joining them, Colton felt closer to normal. He didn't feel as odd in the world he was living in. Once all members joined, they all agreed that Colton would be their leader. He was the most determined and promised that he would get all of them their freedom back. Without him, they didn't have hope.

Violet opened her eyes when it finally ended. In front of her, Colton was sweating and looked tired. "Why did you show me that?" Violet asked softly.

"To show you that you're not alone. I was lost until Aiden came along. I finally had someone who I could connect to." He looked at her with concern. "I know you're not like us, but I understand what you're dealing with. Just let me help you."

"I don't know if you can," she said sternly.

"I know it's crazy and hard to believe, but I'm still the guy you met in New York. I just grew up a a little since then." He took her hand. "I'm sorry you got involved in everything. It's a mess and I would do anything if it meant you didn't have to be apart of it, but all I can do is be there for you." He stared at her deeply. "Let me help."

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