Chapter 36

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They all sat in a criss-cross position on the floor of the new building while Phoebe unfolded the new plan.

"Victor's group is our first aim." Phoebe harshly tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear and walked in circles around them. "The plan is to take them out straight-on but how and where to do this will be your jobs to figure out." Her heels made clicking noises as she walked. Suddenly, she stopped and nodded to Colton. "What do you think will be an effective strategy to lure them out?"

Colton reacted quickly as if he had already thought of this before. "I say we establish a meeting with them for a peace treaty. Of course, it will be fake but they won't know that. We'll pick a spot in the woods, somewhere we've never been to and once they show up, we'll go in for the kill."

Phoebe's lips curled up into a smirk and she began laughing. "Not bad." She glanced at the rest of them. "Any other ideas?"

After a few seconds of silence, Aiden pitched in, "I think we should just go with Colton's idea." He began listing additional recommendations, "We should tell Victor's group that we want to finally join them. They'll be glad to hear this since they've been wanting our cooperation since the beginning."

"Well after how much we've resisted, do you think they'll even accept us?" Riley commented.

Em joined in, "I'm pretty sure the Silvers told them about us already. They know we're not one of the injected."

"Fair point," Colton declared, "but I'm sure they'll agree if we just feed them the right words."

"It's worth a try," Phoebe mumbled. "Anyone else?"

With no responses, Colton stood up. "All in favor of this arrangement, say aye."

Everybody repeated, "Aye."

"Okay then. It's settled," Colton clapped his hands together, "We start tonight by searching for an area for this to take place."

"Hold up," Phoebe stated, "I brought something for you guys." She tossed a heavy bag onto the floor and its heavy contents spilled out. Everyone eyed the shiny weapons in awe. There was a variety of gadgets from new guns to knives and a crossbow. "Choose whatever works best for you."

They all gathered and collected the weapons one by one. The boys grabbed the loaded guns, Riley, Colette and Em took the long knives, and Violet chose the single crossbow. Violet's hands wrapped around the brand new bow with familiarity. When she was little she was able to master the ability to shoot a bow and arrow by the age of 6. One thing her parents did right was to teach her self defense, and now it was coming in handy.

"So how are you involved in this plan?" Colton asked Phoebe as he eyed his new gun.

She observed her manicured nails and answered, "My people and I will form a circle around the  chosen area to cast a protection spell that will strengthen and shield you guys. We'll try to stay hidden but if all hell breaks loose, we will join in and weaken the enemy."

Colton shivered at their entire scheme. It was real, they were going to war but the thought of it made him uneasy. He directed his eyes to Violet for comfort but she looked tired and lonely in the corner of the room. Violet's sadness was obvious and he wanted to walk towards her but stopped himself when he realized she wasn't ready to open up to him yet. Colton turned away and considered the next steps in their mission instead.

Once everyone was set, they retreated to their vehicles. Again, Violet and Aiden separated from the group and everyone else remained to the van. It was almost routine now to join Aiden. For Violet, there was a sense of relief being with Aiden in the BMW. Whether it was because of their journey together or the lack of people in the car, she felt the most herself whenever they rode together and right now, she needed it.

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