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it's been three days since the graduation exam started, I now have a rest for two days then go back for another last three days, and I'll graduate from this stupid high school of misery. I've already made an account on this 'friends meet up' site, but it didn't feel anything as a friend meet up at all: as far as I've been cycling through the search engine, all the people here are so disgracing......appearances worshipers......anti-books.....distant sex searchers.....flirters....but no reader so far. I started to lose hope, but somehow there was a mystical force pushing me to keep looking and I was helpless against this force. My brain keeps telling me to stop while both my heart and unconsciousness are pushing to keep cycling through the search menu hoping that I might find a writer or a reader or even someone who's has the tiniest bit of interest about books. I remained to that state for almost 5 hours straight, neglecting the fact that I have a graduation exam, to be more accurate, the exam will be continuing on the next day: it was a physics exam and yet I didn't give a damn about it. I didn't feel like it, I just kept cycling. Eventually I read about heaven:

" Hello world, my name is Jewel and I'm from Philippine

I'm a hopeless romantic, a homebody, shy, frank, a bookworm, free spirited and volatile"

'a bookworm', that's even better, and I found this a bit of a romantic situation and then started to wonder if I'm a hopeless romantic as well, that'd be weird, maybe not. I kept reading through her profile, and Oh God....this young lady was marvelous: deep expressions, expressive words and cliché as well. This girl must've been the most interesting one in this site, as far as I've seen.

Those words in her profile were kind of possessive, not towards her, but to me. It made me feel a bit possessed about what I've read, each time I read them and reread them, my smile gets a little bit bigger than before, getting wider by the second. And now, it's time to send her the first message in a desperate attempt to get her attention. She was, literally speaking, the only one who haven't mentioned, in a direct or indirect way, that she was an appearance worshiper like everyone else in here. I started to un-choke myself (since I've been always this way while starting a conversation with a girl), pull my messed up of a mind together and organized my thoughts that I'd be sending to her. I eventually started typing:

"Hello Jewel, I'm Nick be honest with you, I'm not that much of a good conversationalist or a good starter in a conversation, but I do hope if you'd like what I'll be writing to you. I'll be mentioning the things we have in common (I do hope it's a good way to start a conversation). well......we're both writers and yet readers, well I'm not that good in writing or a book worm like you, I do worship both reading and writing activities. I mean don't you think it's how amazing to feel words, or even create your own feelings towards something through words.

I guess that'd be enough as a first message, I hope. I'll be looking forward to read your reply'

and remained there, in front of my laptop, waiting for this mysterious and marvelous young lady to reply. A few seconds passed and I got a view on my message. Time seemed to stop, and I was helpless about it: the minute seemed to be like doubled five times. I couldn't do anything else, all I thought about is whether Jewel is going to reply or reject me. I felt something in my chest, something familiar about her.....something that I felt before . I kept my thoughts into my brain, as the only thing I could do at that exact moment is just keeping my sight into the screen, waiting and hoping that Jewel might eventually reply. After what seemed to be an infinity of waiting period (it's not, it was just 25 minutes), I got a +1 in my messages box: it was Jewel. I stood up and went straight away to read what I've received:

"Magandang araw (that's our way to greet people in Tagalog) Nick

I'm happy that you messaged me. It's just amazing to meet someone with the same potential, interests and perspective as myself, isn't it just amazing? I hope when we get to know each other we'd find an infinity of common interests. by the way, since we're both writers, I need to tell you something: I've never had a finished story unfortunately. But at least I've got the ability to write romance, adventure and politics. What about you? what type of novels do you write?"

And I shall be damned. What expressiveness she has, the warmest and deepest words I've ever read in my entire life through a message. Or maybe I just feel this way, since she's literally speaking the first girl I find having the same potentials as myself. I leaned even more forward than I was until I felt that my face would hit the screen. Put my hands on the keyboard and started typing:

"well, so far....I only managed to write two romances. they weren't based on a personal experience (since I had none in my life) but at least, I managed to improvise both of them and Jewel, that's commendable, you have such a great and amazing diversity in your writing, keep it that way Jewel"

And here comes the waiting again, this Jewel managed to make my sense of time go into a total disorder, and eventually another reply:

" we are really alike in some ways, Nick. I'm sure I'd be enjoying talking to you, but for now, I'm afraid I have to go to sleep, it's kind of getting real late in here, literally late. Till next time"

"Then it's till next time Jewel, have a nice sleep, good night"

'we are really alike in some ways' that was probably the best message you can receive from a girl, I had this smile on my face. I mean, it's only five messages that I've exchanged with Jewel, and yet it's a smile on my coaled and cold face. Is this Jewel some sort of witch? Have I started to like her? How I feel so familiar about her? so many questions and yet none of them had an answer. I closed my laptop and laid on the bed in an attempt to rest my eyes.


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