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Today is the long awaited day, the day I'll be married to the one I've been waiting for my
entire life. I was shaving my face as Rachel entered,
- So, big guy, he said. Ready for commitment?
- I've been born ready, thanks for being here for me

- You're my lil bro, c'mon.

- Thanks ate, thanks for everything.
She came by my side, took the blade from my hand and said while helping me with the
shaving: "You'll always be my lil bro, and I'll always be there for you no matter what are the choices you make."

- Just thanks for everything ate, I'll never be able to repay you

I finished my self-care of my look with the assistance of my father then we both got out,
took the car and headed for the church.


I was walked to the Altar by Rachel (as the Filipino traditions states that the groom can be walked) and as we arrived, she printed a kiss on my cheek and left me with the pop and Jack (who agreed to be my best man, since he's the reason of this marriage). Then the music started and people stood up: that's when I realized Judy was coming, as she walked all along carried with Pasco, my heart started to beat fast. Not out of fear, but out of excitement. She was having a lovely angelic walk, wrapping her arm all along with her father's, wearing a white dress, with a little make up and an intense red lip on her tiny sweet mouth little girl in front of her was throwing blossom all over the red carpet. She eventually came, kissed her father on the cheek while he gave me an intense friendly hug all along with all his parental love and respect towards
me. Eventually everyone sat down and the Pop said:
"We are gathered here today to create this holy union between these two couple all along
with God's blessing and under God's worshipping home. Marriage is a state of mutual
commitment, love and respect. I leave you two to say your vows. Jewel you go first"
Jewel took a paper on her hand and started reading: " I TAKE YOU AS YOU ARE, loving
who you are now and who you are yet to become, I will listen to you with compassion and
understanding, and speak to you with encouragement, I will care for you, stand beside you,
and share with you all of life's adǀersities and all of its joys from this day forward, and all the
days of my life. I promise to create and support a family with you, in a household filled with
laughter, patience, understanding, and love. I vow not just to grow old together, but to grow
together. I will love you faithfully through the difficult and the easy. What may come, I will
always be there, each one believing that love never dies. As I have given you my hand to
hold, so I give you my life to keep." that made me cry, so I didn't take a paper with me, I
wanted to improvise, I've always been good at that so I said: "Jewel, you'll always be the
companion of my house, the friend of my life. We shall bear together whatever trouble and
sorrow life may lay upon us, and we shall share together whatever good and joyful things life
may bring us. With these words, and all the words of my heart, I marry you and bind my life
to yours. I'll love you unconditionally and vow to your love. I'll be the best father that our
children could have. Even if I die I'll always be there by your side, taking care for you."
The Pop smiled and said: " So, do you, Nick Jim, take Jewel Arvive, to be your wife from this
day forward, till death do you apart?"
- I do, and death will never do us apart.
- And do you, Jewel Arvive, take Nick Jim to be your husband and the father of your
children, till death do you apart?
- I do, till the end of time.
- Then by the power given to me by the republic of Philippines, I announce you husband and
wife, you may kiss the bride.
'kiss the bride' I've been always waiting for this word, I leaned over Jewel and took control in
the kiss, trying to give her the warmth and love I could pass to her. Making it the best kiss
that could occur in history. it took me almost a minute to end the kiss, when I made sure she
felt it deep enough to hold me. Everyone started clapping as we were going out of church to
start our party. The music started, and I made sure it's the same music we danced on when I
confessed my love to her.
- Isn't this that song from the ball?
- yes indeed Jewel.
- And you still remember it?
- How will I forget about my first dance's song with you? that'll never occur no matter how
much I live.
- I'll never forget about this, Nick, never. I love you.
- I love you too, so are we going to dance or will we keep talking?
I took her by the hand and went in the middle of the court where we were surrounded by
the guests. We started to dance first, as the traditions says, it really felt like the first time we
danced together. Then Pasco and Judy came by our side to keep us company, after a while
Pasco said:" Can I dance with my daughter?"
- You know dad, there's no need to ask, she's your girl.
- Thanks lad.
We exchanged, I took Judy's hand and we dance, she said: " I'm happy for you both"
- Thanks mom, I'm honored to be a part of your family.
- Oh as long as I'm alive you'll always be my son.
Then, couples started to burst into the dance floor one by one, while Jewel and I got tired so
we decided to sit for a while before going for our honey moon to the Caribbean. Time
seemed to move fast as we were staying together, I didn't feel bored at all, although we
weren't talking, not that much. But yet, she managed to make me company with that smile
on her face. The wedding party is over, I addressed myself to everybody and said: "Thanks
everyone for coming to my wedding, I really appreciate it for you all, I'm honored that you're
here, you can still enjoy yourself but Jewel and I got to leave. So, I see you in a month" and
we left, took our luggage and took our road to the Caribbean, with my wife....with the reason of my salvation, with my road to heaven.

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