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And finely the graduation exam is over and I'm officially on my summer holiday (since I was pretty sure that I'm going to succeed and pass the wretched thing). Now, comes the after exam ere, that one era in which I got all the time I need and want, which is 24/7, to get to know Jewel even more than I already do. I always wanted to uncover the mystery she held in her personality and I've been having this urge to uncover what was so familiar about her in the first place. I turned my laptop on and logged into my new favorite website, and I am surprise to see a new message from "Jewel101", she remembered me, I felt so touched about it. I popped the message and started reading:

" Dear Nick, AKA two legged bookworm

it's been a long time since we last talked, where have you been?"

'two legged bookworm' never heard anyone call me like that way before, no one had ever called me anything but my name, none had called me such a flattering name like this one, I felt quiet red about this one in particular, even though it is a bit mocking, but still, it is the best thing I've been called ever. This names that Jewel gave me was the best thing ever to give to someone like me. The question she asked was the first time to happen to me ever in my entire life, Jewel managed to be the first one who asks about me first, in my casual conversations I tend to ask about people first and then they ask about me. I humped on the desk, put my fingers on typing-mod and started loosing them:

"dear Jewel, AKA mocker

I apologize for what happened (talking about the long offline state I've been into), I was sitting for the graduation exam, but now I am totally free. I have just to be patient and wait for the result of this thing to come out. to be honest with you, I don't know why I am so nervous, I am sure that I am going to succeed easily, but still, I am nervous and a bit stressed, don't know why. Well, enough of me and my tragedy, what about you? how have days been treating you?"

and I stood there, as usual, waiting for Jewel to reply, knowing that her reply will seem like an eternity for me to occur, but it is only relativity, as A. Einstein stated: "touch a hot woman's breast and an hour would seem like a second, touch a hot cup and a second would seem like an hour. And that's relativity" I always tend to laugh so hard about the hot breast's part, but the guy has a point. Waiting for Jewel to reply felt like an eternity, and it is just relative, it's not literally an eternity but only feels so. I kept myself busy about the fact that I am sharing every single thought of my mind with this girl, this marvelous and mysterious Jewel, I never dared to share any thought from my brain with anyone. Somehow, Jewel managed to over play my unconsciousness and somehow control it, leaving me helpless and vulnerable, sharing my thoughts and most of my secrets with a girl who live over 10000 KM from the place I live in. My thoughts got interrupted, with a popped up message from her:

"Hey, never mind about it Nick, you seem like a very smart and talented boy to, you'll manage it easily ;) but for me, this is my third school year so it is going to be so hard for me now, ugh..... I must be a real hard worker so I can succeed well"

I felt pretty red and embarrassed of what Jewel wrote for me, I never saw myself as a smart person or even talented, I felt as someone who is totally random, with a family issue in his CV. Again, Jewel managed to overcome me one more time and this time was the first one I feel so flattered in my entire wretched of a life. This Jewel is looking more unique and interesting more than anyone I ever met in my life, all of these things I see her as are growing by the second, by each message we exchange. The more messages that stacks up between us, the more she becomes more interesting for me and the more I see her in a better way than before. Even though we have share a few things about ourselves, yet we managed to keep the conversation between us interesting. We were talking about everything that people can talk about: existence, psychology, even homosexuality. But we never had the urge (or the need) to talk about ourselves. Days passed, and the only things I've been doing are either reading a book on the side of the bed or talking to Jewel (obviously). It might seem pathetic to society in here: a teenager spending his whole day in his room "doing nothing", but I'm already used to it, it became like a routine for me, and it was never considered nothing, doing what you love isn't nothing, reading books and filling your brain with information isn't nothing and of course talking to interesting people isn't nothing, not at all. Also, Jewel became more like my refuge, within that small virtual box, I can be me, the true Nick Jim, with no masks or makeup, I can act freely. The messages that Jewel and I were exchanging were more than just messages: it was creativity. Even though we were 11000+ KM apart and yet distance didn't seem to makes us go apart, on the contrary, I was feeling as if I'm not a stranger to her, as if I'm a Filipino. The more we exchanged messages the more things gets better for me, probably for her as well. Finely things are improving itself: all thanks to her when she came into the wretched life I am living.


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