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My days became one of a hell great days, my relation to Jewel got deeper, we are now exchanging even longer messages and we never ran out of subjects to talk about, we always manage to find something which that we can easily discuss. And each day is passing better than the one before it. I was in my desolate room (as usual), hands on the keyboard, eyes glued on the screen and of course talking to Jewel. My phone vibrated: it was a text message from Jack. As I popped it up "fishing-drinking trip.1 Vodka. 20 beers. 2 men. 2 nights. answer ASAP" I thought about it, 3 days and 2 nights out of this mess, out of everything I'm going through, I took the phone and texted back: "I'm in mate. preparing the tent" then I leaned back to my laptop and wrote a message to Jewel:

"Hey Mocker, I'm going to a fishing trip, and of course there'd be lots and lots of drinks. I want you to pray for my soul, brain and stomach"

For the first time, Jewel sent me back a reply within what was literally less than a second:

"well I'll pray for those three, and also your liver (which you forgot to mention), take care Nick. Oh, and remember to have fun, will you"

Such words of comfort she sent, which were also sarcastic, basically Jewel. And yet another time, she managed to be the first one who shows his concern towards me. Even though she have done it in an indirect way, I totally felt that she worried, even with the tiniest bit, she managed to worry about me. But, she couldn't hide it from me. I shut my laptop down went to my closet and took my fishing pole all along with some bait and took all the money I found on the desk, just in case if I ever needed it and went outside to meet Jack who was just outside the house waiting for me. "Ready to get wasted" he said, in a very basic Jack sarcastic speech. I laughed about it, as it was obviously what we'll be doing, and said : "I've been born ready mate" then I nodded my head saying: "let's go to the station, shall we?"


we eventually arrived, deployed out luggage in the bus' trunk and went in, to find a decent place for the both of us. As we sat down, I pulled a new book, which was recommended by someone from the 'bookworm community' and started reading it. the title was "a tale from two worlds". The book was telling the story of what seemed like a long distance relationship at first but then it turned out to be an epic romance. The two parts of this relationship were an Egyptian muslim and an atheist Armenian. Their romance was more than epic, and the events that the author had tailed all along the book were the best that I've ever read. it stated everything that could occur, as if the writer himself was on a LDR with someone else, or used to be. It somehow felt touching to me, since the book stated that both parts started as friends who were exchanging letters, and getting to know each other. Then comes the romance and the sudden love they fall into, both of them. And again, for the second time, I get touched by the last paragraph of the book:

"Even though they both had different views and beliefs. Even with all the things that could make a normal couple fall apart into the ground and separate them: fighting, the disapproval of both families towards their relationship, the distance and the difference of beliefs they both had. That didn't do a thing to them, on the contrary, they became even closer to each other, they got even closer. Within each message they exchanged, every video call made between them and within every "I love you" they said to each other, they were closer more than anyone else on the world, even closer than Romeo an Juliette. For them nothing will ever manage to separate them, not even the tiniest bit. For them, love prevails over all"

That was touching, and worth to be reread over and over again. I kept reading it for over twenty time, until I started to memorize it, I turned to Jack to show him what I've read, I eventually didn't: suddenly remembered that Jack isn't a fan of books, and if he'll read it he'll just start asking question on why I'm reading such books, and I didn't want to show him my growing feelings towards a girl who's so far away from me and that we barely exchanged 200 long messages. I started to think about it, does she even think of me? even for a few moments during the day? or am I just another acquaintance she encountered on a random website? I felt faithless about these questions which were always in my mind and never left it. And I just can't put Jewel out of my brain, just can't do it, I want to, but my unconsciousness seems to disapprove with it. That made me remember a quote: " if you can't get someone out of your head, then that exact person is thinking of you"

I looked up and started "Jewel, is this is why I can't get you out of my head? are you really still thinking of me the same way as I am thinking of you? Or is this myth is just a myth?" too many irritating questions cycling through my brain and yet no answer, again. I looked down and starred to the book for a while, imagining if there'd be something to occur between Jewel and I, and the vision was just blur, nothing visible. That irritated me even harder, I threw the book back in the backpack, put the earphone on and turned some really loud music on then wished for the best.


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