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The next morning, I opened my eyes before Jewel woke up. As I looked to her, her eyes are still closed, snoring in a soft rhythm, a sweet and smoth rhythm. I kep watching her, admiring her angelic sleepy face. Going deeper with the soft way she inhaled air in and the way she exhaled and have blown air right into my face. The way she did it was smooth, I felt the air tickling my face and beard. I stood up just right there for a few minutes until she woke up. The first thing she said was: "Good morning hon, love you" before printing her usual deep romantic and morning kiss on my lips. "Good morning to you too sweetheart, love you." 

- So did you have a great night?

- Oh you know, when you're by my side, it is the best night ever, you?

- good, she said with a sad look on her face and a forced smile on her lips.

- Jewel, what's wrong?

- I'm scared Nick, I am scared.

- Of what?

- Of what my father's reaction would be when he knows.

I felt the urge to cry, but it wasn't the perfect time for it, since the both of us were in a deep mess. I was scared too, not of what her father might do to her, but to me. I wasn't afraid of him hitting me, I was scared to death of the fact that he might forbid me from the one I love, while she was carrying my child. I'd welcome a hit on the face, a kick on the nuts or even a stab with a knife, if they wouldn't forbid me from her, the only one that's keeping me sane, the one who was always there for me, and the one I always considered the love of my life. I sighted then said: "don't worry honey, everything will go alright, have no worries." Then I stood up and continued: "Come on, let's go to your house" She nodded and stood up then we took our way to the trial to be.


I knocked the door, while Jewel's face was so pale to be seen miles away. A few seconds later, Judy opened the door and as she saw Jewel's face, she started screaming: "My God! are you two alright?"

- That's why I came, I said. Is Pasco-po here?

- Yes he is, just come in both of you, you look as if you suffered a rough time last night.

As we got in, Judy yelled: "Honey, Jewel and Nick came, they want to talk to us" Then she addressed herself to us and then said: "sit down, you're looking so nervous, both of you" We applied to the order, while Jewel's face was turning even more and more pale by the second. And the fear in her eyes was scaring me to death all along the way. "Hoeny, hurry up!" As Judy finished her sentence, Pasco was comming all the way rushing, as if he felt there was something wrong happening. As he rushed towards us, and at the second he saw both of our faces being pale, his own face changed to get darker, fear shining in his eyes and anxiousness raising in his eyes. "My dear Lord, what's happening?" Jewel sighed then said: "Dad, I am..." I put my hands on her mouth saying "let me handle this." Both of Judy and Pasco said: "Handle what?"

- I don't even know how to say it, to the both of you, it is complicated.

- Are you asking my permission to court my daughter? said Pasco. If that's so then yes, I've seen how you looked at each other and I know that you're both are in love.

- No...I mean yes, it's just not why I came here. I want to say that I am sorry.

- For what lad? what happened.

- I don't know how to say it sir, it is complicated. See.... Jewel is.... she is...

- Pregnant, said Jewel. I am pregnant.

At the end of the sentence, Judy's eyes turned red, her eyes seemed to have happiness shown, but her face was pale. On the other hand, Pasco was in shock, as if he suffered karma in a matter of seconds. "Is this...some sort of a joke?" he said, disruptively.

- I wish if it was sir, I really do wi...

The last thing I saw before the end of my sentence was Pasco's fist rushing toward my face, hitting me and throwing me backwards. The he held his had tight tight oh my shirt, kept shaking me hard like a juice can saying: "Asong lalaki!!" (dog) then he held both of his hands on my neck, started throttling me by holding his hand tighter and rougher on my neck saying: "I trusted you, I allowed my daughter togo out with you, thinking you were a worthy man of her" Judy and Jewel came, trying to push him back, while Jewel said: "Dad please, stop it!" and all of their attempts were failing as he was stronger than what both of them are. I felt my body screaming for oxygen while my brain was craving for the urge of blood to cycle in it, thoughts started to get messed up and all of my senses started to fade away as Pasco's hands were holding tighter and tighter. I surrended myself to my inevitable fate, as I saw it, and surrended myself to silence and darkness. Then a sharp scream of Judy borke up the silence saying: "Remember what happened 22 years ago!" At the end of her sentence, Pasco's hands loosed and freed my neck all of a sudden of a matter of a second. Then drops started to fall upon me. As I regained my sight, I've seen Pasco as to be in his worst situations: his eyes were so red, tears were flooding out of his eyes, and he was biting his lips, as to be seen as a feeling of remorse. I felt terrible, something was there, hidding between Judy and Pasco. I sighted then said: "Is everything alright ama-po" (ama stands for father) then he looked at me and he starded whining, in a rhythm that teared my heart apart. They say that a man's tear is meaningful and reflects pain. As for Pasco's case, pain would've felt like heaven for him. I felt his pain, even though I didn't know what it was all about, but I felt that he was going through the greatest pain of all time. Judy and Jewel came by his side comforting him. Jewel seemed to be more surprised. She, herslef, didn't know what was happening either. Judy leaned over to Pasco while she was going in tears too, she dried his tears out saying: "it's alright honey, sorry for bringing it up, but I don't want Jewel or Nick to go through what we did go through." I was in shock as Jewel herself was in shock. Pasco, calming himself down, sitting on the couch said: "I'm sorry lad" 

- About what are you apologizing for sir?

- I almost killed you and the first thing you said was calling me ama-po

- that's because you're the father of the love of my life, it is my duty to say so.

then as I said that, the two of them going in tears. "Can you guys tell us what's going on?" said Jewel with a look of her eye that was serious. For the first time, that look on her face was demanding answers. Jewel sighted and said: "When I was your age, I got pregnant, me and Pasco were going to have a child" Jewel opened her mouth wide and then said: "And what happened?"

- My father knew and he made me go under so much pressure until I lost the baby

Jewel went in tears, while Judy continued: "and I don't want you to go through this." Then Pasco said: "Sweetheart, I don't want to lose that baby, and Nick, I'm sorry, I just snapped and thought that you were going to leave my daughter. But appearantly you're not, so....welcome to the family lad." I went in tears as well as he continued: "I want both of you to know that we will always be here for the both of you and no matter what people say or talk about, we'll always be here for the both of to support you" Then Jewel came to the both of us, hugged us saying: "congrats my sweet lovely two children, I'm going to be a lola" Then as she sat between the both of us. I stood up and said: "Jewel, Judy-po and Pasco-po, I will never leave my child, ever. And Jewel, I want you to know that I will never leave you." Jewel smiled within her lips saying: "thank you." I turned to Pasco and said: "Can we talk? privately" he nodded then we went outside.

- What is it lad? he said.

- I want to marry your daughter and I am asking for your blessing.

- But you are too young.

- Sir, I'm going to be a father in less than 9 months, I am not that young.

- As you wish, I will definelty give my blessing to the person who has the warmest heart I ever saw in my entire life, when will you propose.

- I don't know sir, I don't.

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