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The first year of the university came to an end. I was just sitting all along with Jewel and the other graduators in the campus while the rector was telling his final speech:
" Today, we gather to say our farewells. Our paths will never cross again probably. But at
least within this year, you were all eager to learn, each one of you in a certain major. I remember when I agreed with a foreign student to give him a scholarship if he promise me to get on the top 100 of the university. He indeed finished this first year as one of those top 100 of this university. But what impressed me the most is that he was on top of that top. Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up to Nick Jim, the first in our university. Although he wasn't one of our own, of our blood. But yet he had proved himself as I great student, one of the greatest. As a reward to him, the university has given him a ticket for two on a trip to the Caribbean. May God bless you all" First of the university, I couldn't believe it. I wanted to jump and dance out of joy but I
controlled myself, since I was in public. Jewel was next to me, surprised herself as well. She
held my hand, kissed me on the cheek and said:"Congratulation, you really earned it, haven't

- Guess I eventually did it. But it's all thanks to your father, and specially you.

I did it, I finely managed to prove myself among these people. I earned their respect, I guess. Then Jewel and I left. I found Pasco and Judy waiting for us just outside the campus, holding our sweet Rose. I went straight to Judy, hugged her, then said: " I'm the first in the university, isn't that awesome?" Then I carried Rose and said: "hey little wolf, daddy is number one" She gave me a sweet innocent laugh from her teethless mouth.

- Oh my God! I'm so proud of you, we're so proud of you, said Judy.

-Lad, I heard that you're going to the Caribbean, with a plus one. is it?

- Yes sir indeed, then I leaned closer to him and whispered, we need to talk in private.

- sure, he whispered back.

We pulled ourselves out from the ladies and moved a bit further from where they are. I got
confused, but I managed to pull myself together and said to Pasco: "it's time sir, shall I propose to your daughter tonight?"

-Shhh... say no more. Now come with me. I got something for you.

We took the car, leaving the ladies talk about things of their own. And went.

- Sir, where are we going?

- It's a surprise lad, and don't worry you'll like it, it won't make you emberassed.

After a while, we stopped in front of a jewelry shop. And I realized it so I turn to Pasco and
said: " Sir this is too much, I can't let you do it"

- Say nothing lad, consider it as a congratulation gift, or a way to express my blessing. you deserve more than it. But this is all I can give to you.

We entered the shop. I started wondering around while Pasco was talking to the
shopkeeper. " Choose the one you like"

- No sir, I'll leave this to you, she's your daughter, and it's your gift.

After a while of wonder, Pasco came to me holding in his hand a bright ring: inlaid with
diamonds, and having a big one in the middle. "This should do the trick lad, don't you think?"

- Thank you sir, I'll make sure I repay you this as soon as I can.

- Well you can repay it, if you promise to be good with my daughter and not to treat her in a
bad way..

- I'll never even think of doing things like that, no matter how I live.

We left and took our ride back to take the ladies back home. As we came by them, Jewel
said: " Where have you both been? I've travelled the whole campus looking for you both"

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