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A while later (didn't realized how much I've slept), a soft woke me up gently out of sleep: I realized it was a woman's knock since I've been used to my father's hard and scary knock on the door. It was Jewel, she came in smiled then said:" Had enough sleep?"

-depends how much I slept?

-well, you slept 6 hours Nick and it passed dinner time Nick, so we had dinner and didn't wait for you, sorry but you were snoring a lot and we didn't want to wake you up.

- Oh's okay, I can survive with no food for a night.

-I'm kidding with you, you silly. We'll be having dinner in a few minutes, that's why I came to wake you up. Prepare yourself.

- My God, I've barely passed 7 hours here and you still being sarcastic with me, you're definitely a big mocker, Jewel.

- Still doing my best mate, now were something other than this short, because it is definitely tempting and seducing.

I turned red, and then went the laugh of Jewel, that sarcastic laugh I last heard when we had that call a few weeks ago, Then she continued: "I was joking Nick, there's nothing tempting in it, don't go red whenever I compliment you, anyway we'll be waiting for you downstairs, be quick and don't take an hour trying to look perfect"

I jumped out of bed, opened my luggage and took my best outfit out of it: it was a dark blue suit with a white shirt and a black tie. I wanted to look like a gentleman, because they said if you wanted to impress someone (who is Jewel for me) you should wear something classic and formal. This will be the first dinner I'd be having with these folks, so I must look sharp, at least for Pasco, who needs to get a great impression from him.

As I got down, the living room was still empty, there was only Jewel there sitting on the couch. She kept looking at me, smiling then came and said: "looking sharp Nick, loved the suit" then she looked at my tie weirdly and I realized that I didn't make it in a right way, or how it should be done. She tended her soft hands on them, started manipulating it saying: "don't you know how to do a tie"

- sorry, it's my first time

-at least, the suit is perfect, now come on, mom and dad are in the kitchen

we went there and they were indeed in the kitchen: both of them were cooking."where did this gentleman came from?" said Judy laughing. "you look sharp sweetie, but you must go out of the kitchen, or else you'll spoil the surprise"

-Thanks ma'am and sure I'll be in the living room

I went back with Jewel keeping me company so I won't be feeling lonely (even though I am used to is) as we sat down, she said: "so how do you like the Philippines so far?"

- I don't know, but I guess I'm definitely going to love it, since I'm going to be far away from the wretched place I was living in

- Was it that bad Nick?

- Yes Jewel, it was that bad

- I'm sorry for it, I can't get how a great mind like you have to suffer this kind of things

- It is okay Jewel, I'm feeling better now. So, is your father cooking only because I'm here?

- No, he always helps my mother, in everything

- Lucky mother, wish my father was as half great as yours

- Well, what's done is done now, this is a new life for you, so take advantage of it.

"Table is ready, Nick, Jewel, would you join us or are you going to keep talking" that was Judy's voice. I stood up then extended my hand for Jewel to stand up, as she did she whispered "you're such a gentleman" then the two of us went to join the parents"

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