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Saturday, last night with the Arvives then on the next morning I'd be having my own room, job and salary in the university. Things actually turned for the best after all. After dinner, in which Judy and Pasco cooked for us grilled meat on the Filipino style, it was the best of ever I've ever had tasted, Jewel came into my room while I was arranging my luggage. "so, this is your last night with us, huh?" she said, I nodded. She was having a sad look in her eyes. I threw away what I was doing, went straight forward to her, extended my hands towards her hair, then loosed my fingers dancing around it saying:" C'mon sweetie, don't feel so low, I'll be always here, it's only 10 minutes by foot away from you"

- Do you promise me?

- I promise to talk to you on daily bases, and even see you if I can.

- If you can?

- Honhon, I'll be having a full time job for a week then it'll become part time and I'll be in the university, so this week, if you can go out on nights, I'd love to see you at that time.

- Oh well, let's just never mind about it, she said grabbing my shirt. Let's enjoy our last night, don't you think so Nick?

- What about your parents?

- This is their date night, so the house is all ours to have.

- Oh well if you say so, I replied while taking off my shirt. Let the party begin.

She went to my laptop, stood there for a while and then she started to play some sort of soft, romantic and smooth music. She then came back to me, stood closer to my chest, then she put her ear on it and said: " Oh Nick, I just love the way your heartbeat sounds like" I didn't answer, I kept her doing her thing, while I was bursting my fingers to dance on her hair, brushing it softly, kindly and romantically. Then she looked at me then she stood up on the top of her toes and printed a soft warm kiss on my lips all along with a soft "I love you" whisper. As she stood down, I leaned over her and kissed her back, then whispered "I love you too". She smiled the she pushed me on the bed and humped on me hard enough to feel as if she cracked a bone in the process. Then she started shooting me with kisses on my lips, as if she was trying to eat me alive. Her hands were all over my body, dancing from my waist to my chest to my jaws to my shoulder (where I felt her nails the most) then back to my waist. I, on the other hand, I was kissing her back with my hands on her waist, just like an idiot who couldn't make the big move, I was considering myself a virgin after all, at least with her. I decided to grow balls and go for it, I held her t-shirt then as I moved it all up, her hands were no longer on my body and her lips were no more glued to mine. For that fragment of a second, I was waiting for her to kick my hands off or to stop what we were doing. Who am I kidding anyway, she wasn't ready for it, neither did I. Then, as I was still sensing Jewel's body. I opened on eye to see what was going on, since she didn't touch my hands, and I got surprised for what I saw: she was holding her hands high, waiting for me to finish what I started. "Ugh...will you do it?" I nodded then took it off, leaving her with only her bras and her short on. I decided to make a switch, I held Jewel with one arm on her right shoulder, while the other was wrapped on her left side of her waist, and stood up, laying her to bed, making myself on top of her. Then we burst ourselves back into kissing each other. I decided to make another step, I extended my hands to her back, slipping my finger to her bras, then started manipulating it to get open. The damn thing is stuck, it didn't even want to move a bit. I started to get nervous, and my fingers started to move faster and faster by the second. Jewel laughed then said: "don't you know how to set a lady free?"

- sorry my lady, I forgot how to do it after the million bras I've unwrapped.

she laughed, then got her hand to her back, and in a fragment of a second, Jewel became bras-free, allowing me to see her bare breast. For the first time in my life, I never felt quite excited and nervous like I did, even my ex didn't managed to get me feel this way, which made me realize more and more that Jewel is indeed my one, true and only love. She extended her hand, grabbing mine, then she made it touch her breast saying: "keep your hand here" I nodded then we got back into kissing each other passionately, exchanging our love, warmth and romance. And here came the greater move of all, after several minutes of warming up, came the role of doing it. I stood up, zipped my pants, then took it off, while Jewel was doing the same, and she laid while I got on top of her, before doing she said: "be gentle" I nodded saying: "I'll try" and that's how she lost her virginity, while I felt as if I lost mine too, metaphorically speaking. After my rebirth, I felt like just losing my virginity once again.


We laid down eventually, both of us exhausted, side by side, backs on the bed and hands held together, Jewel said: "For a guy who had sex before, I felt as if you were a virgin, but it was perfect" then she turned her head, kissed me softly on the lips and continued: "thanks honey, for the great experience" I smiled, kissed her back then said: "and for a girl who claimed to be a virgin, I felt as if screwing a porn star" and in that darkness, I could've see Jewel's face turn red, I continued: "Maybe you was a porn star in a past life" then she burst her elbow into my shoulder saying: "Nick!" I laughed then replied: "sorry honhon, but it is the truth and the truth shall always be told" she stood up, rushing, kissed me on the cheek, then got out saying: "mom and dad will be here any minute now, I'll be in the shower, goodnight, love you" I replied: "goodnight, love you too" and then I looked up as she closed the door, thinking of how marvelous the sex was: no screaming, no moaning and I didn't hurt her that much, as I felt it. This night was one to remember and never to be forgotten. A few moments later, I could've hear Pasco and Judy crossing the hall, mumbling in Tagalog on how special was their night out. Then I stopped hearing their footsteps as they said: "Jewel?" she probably just got out of shower and they saw her. Then they started arguing with her, on how she was walking around half naked in the house. That was painful indeed, but they got a point on that one. Jewel, all of a sudden started raising her voice, blaming them on something related to me, trust and sleeping or something. Maybe she was talking about that I am trustworthy and that I am even asleep. They calmed themselves down, and apologized?? what? why would they apologize about something like that. I couldn't catch the last words as I couldn't understand the meaning of the conversation, but it was about her parents understanding something, something I couldn't understand (thanks to my shitty Tagalog knowledge), Then there was footsteps again and after they faded away, it was back to silence once again. I closed my eyes to rest my exhausted body, with a feeling of anxiousness in my chest inside of me, with no particular reason of it.


I somehow woke up earlier than expected, it was 6am and I was intending to wake up at 7, it wasn't a problem though, and no one woke me up, it was just me. I stood there in the bed, still thinking about last night's event, that big even which was a big proof of Jewel's love. As I've learned, those who give up their virginity for someone, they give that someone a piece of them and a great sign of love, one of the greatest. And I totally felt as if there was something of Jewel left in me, there was definitely something of her, from last night, still in me, and probably will always be there. A soft knock on the door cut my thought's line, then Jewel got in saying: "Good morning honey, how are you feeling?" I smiled and said: "Always and forever in love with you"

- Oh you're such a sweetheart, now get off the bed, breakfast is waiting.

- Sure honey, give me a minute.

- Oh for the love of God Nick, she said putting a tongue out. I saw everything yesterday, so no need to feel shy about anything.

- well, it's just me Jewel.

Then I did as she said. After all she got a point, a good one. Last night both of us saw one another with nothing on, not even a piece of tissue on. As I raised, I've seen Jewel's eyes getting wider and wider as she was focusing on my body, eating me alive with here behind-glasses dark eyes. I was wearing my clothes smiling to her, then said: "you know it is not considered polite to keep starring at people honey."

- Oh just shut up you, I'm in heaven now.

"Heaven?" I said, sarcastically with an eybrow up. Then I approached her, keeping my sight fixed on her lips, then as I reached her, I leaned printing a soft, long, deep and warm kiss. Making my lips move up and down around hers, with all the passion I got in me, I printed my kiss, then said: "This is my heaven" then touched her lips and said: "you". I sensed her smile grow so big on the top of my finger. She smiled saying: "you're always sweet"

- and you are way too more better than me, thanks for last night honey.

She nodded as we got out, going downstairs. Her parents were already there. "So, this was one great week Nick, don't you think lad?" said Pasco.

- Opo (which means yes, but in a very respectful way), thanks for your greatest hospitality, and Judy-po (another form of respect) thank you so much for everything, all of you.

"Oh come here you" said Judy with open arms, I applied to the invitation, went and hugged her while she continued: "Always visit us, will you?" I nodded. We then went for the breakfast. After that, the four of us went outside, to the direction of my new home. That home which is indeed home, for me.

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