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Corrigible -able to be fixed or corrected.

      We were heading to Key West. I didn't make any reservation but, I have money and we all know money talk a good game, so it's all good. It dont matter the price we hanging out this weekend. I Google the most lavish resort in Florida. Nearest on is  7 hours away. I pull out the parking lot stop and got gas and we were  headed out. The Keys to Relaxtion Resort was the name of the place. The rooms where costing $509.00 to $1,000.00 a night. It didn't matter I had the money and they deserve it. The ride was fun. We plug in the Aux cord listen to  every song we could think of for the first 2hours. Of course Kel'Vel the youngest of the crew wanted to talk. He had a million questions.

Kel'Vel : "Where we going? How long will it take us to get there? What are we going to do there?"

Questions after questions. A whole 30 round clip of questions, until I started asking questions back. I ask questions like what's 9×9, 12×12, 48÷2? That was the easiest way to keep him off me. After, those questions he decide to take a nap. Shay was next to me in the passenger  seat on snapchat making a video. Everyone was happy.
We made it to the Resort by 9 ol clock.

              I left them in the car while I handle my business like man. 3 nights in a 2 bedroom resort, equip with a loft, fully loaded kitchen, dinning and living room, and a screened porch, flat screen t.v in every room including the bathrooms. They were even offering smores on the beach for  $5,000  a weekend with a credit card. Without a credit card its $8,500 tha lt including a deposit.
       "Again, thats not a problem!" I said to the smart mouth clerk bitch name Stephaine. I gave the bitch an extra $100.00 and shit was taken care of.
        We  unpack and order pizza and heading to the beach for smores until the pizza arrive. Front desk stated they will deliver it to our room and send a text when it arrive. They also  inform me there was no cash needed they will add to the room. The night is going as expected. On the walk to the campfire we were all talking about how we never made Smores over a fire before. We were excited. We ate two Smores a piece before I receive the text from room service. We huury back to the room ate pizza, play the PlayStation4, wrestle, talk shit, and fell asleep. The next morning was more exciting then last night. I had it all planned out.

I jump up at 6am before everyone else. I woke Jr up and we hit the gym. I keep my son on point he already know every morning he should pray  thanking God for allowing him to see another day. So, we prayed aloud with each other. We held hands and clap once we were done. Then I figure it we could catch up . We jog some, for about 30 minutes, but I want to see where his strength was so we bench press together. My son strong and health. I know  that's a blessing. He was pressing 215lbs easily and he's only a 150lbs. Aye, healthy man!  We  did some pull- ups, on top of my routine I do every morning. We talk about his mother and his girlfriend. He showed me picture of them together. We talk about his future and what he will like to be. We talk about uncle Pit, and how cool he is. We talk about how he wish he could live with both his parents because we are great parents.

       My son told me " Dad ,I will do what ever I have to make both you and momma proud of me and I will always look after my brothers ." That statement alone made me proud.

I ask him about his mother's husband. He told me the guy don't really be home and he can tell his mother not happy. She spend most her time either at work or with me , taking me shopping with his credit cards. That would explain why  he feel like me and Lynn, his mother should be together. I let my son know I love him and how proud I am of him, but being with mother probably wouldn' t work. I explain sometime love just don't work like you want it to. I told him to focus on him. He's the caption of his football team,  a straight A's student.

 Dale:  "Son, you are heading in the right direction for greatness stay focus son, stay focus." 
        I ask him to promise me he will always look after his brothers, and to never leave them behind. The time we shared was refreshing, and needed. We headed back to the room, but everyone was downstairs eating breakfast. I kiss Shay and high five the boys. Jr and I hurried upstairs to shower so we can come back to eat.

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