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    Psyche - the human soul, mind or spirit.

  The entire surprise is DEAD. The morale in the apartment is DEAD  My son is  DEAD. Everyone that was involve is DEAD. But, I still have no peace. We unpack for hours. All I could think about was how excite Kel'vel would have been on this day. I understand I have 2 more sons, but taking my youngest child hits differently.
      Once we finish unpacking Shay cook fried chicken, bbq beans and rice. Me and the boys favorite quick meal. I ate about two bites and laid down.

    The next day I woke up with a plan . I hit the gym 5am that morning. Talk to myself. Rehearse what I plan  on telling Shay if she want to "Talk,".
     I started to get ready for work,  Shay interrupt asking if I could stay home one more day. I agree. Knowingly, I prefer to be working and my plan isn't going as planned.

      She cook breakfast, then we walk around the  neighborhood allowing Ke'ron to ride his bike and giving us time to talk.

     Our conversation consist of me explaining, she does not have to go out looking for a 9-5 job. With the money that the State and the complex is offering she would be better off researching how to open up her own business. I reminded her that Sunshyne is willing to help . I made it clear she and I are only co-parenting. I will make sure the bills are paid as, long as her and my son stay here.

I continue to explainly I will not be home much. My new job require me to travel a lot .

Shay just stare at me in disbelief.
Then place her hands on her hips and said " Are you fucking serious Kendale?
" So, why did you move us here?"

Kendale : Because living in the Bricks isn't a good environment as we see. My muthafuckin son isn't here, because I had y'all living in those fucked up projects, Shay !! I grab her arms and pulled her close to me and whisper I got to do this, please sit still for me. She had nothing to say just nods her as a tear rolled down her cheeks. We ended the conversation and really didn't speak that much through the remainer the day and days ahead. 

Days turn into weeks while weeks turn into months before I knew it a year was approaching since I lost my son and all I have been doing is working putting in overtime. By the time I get home or to the hotel I am completely exhausted and don't have much energy to talk or think about Kel'Vel. 

    Working with Dave is cool I travel a lot. I have special order that comes from "upper management." My duties consist of traveling state to state in the company truck or if there is a hub in that state I would fly in. I report in via email or if there is special orders I meet with the messenger face to face, hell sometime Dave would call and tell me the  time and place he needs me to be. I never know the day before I have to stay ready and on time.
       The route will come on a portal gps system the company provides. If I drove to the state I would travel with the guns pre-loaded in the trash bins stacked neatly on   the back of the truck.  If  I fly  in I would have to go the hub and load the order in a "only  personnel authorize,"  loading dock. Which is  conceal behind a pad lock stainless steel door that requires face recognition to get through the doors.   

     I never seen the people I deliver to, well not at their homes I should say.  Their  homes are dope and huge. If I had to guess the price of the homes I would say 10 to 20 million dollars homes. These homes makes Miranda parents' home look like a lower class neighborhood. I am require to show id and I have even been escort by security on golf carts to make the drop off.

    To security and nosey negiorbors it appears I am swiping out the recycling bins with a new one. I am really  replacing the old bin with the pacific PS (Proficiency Sanity ) elite member order down to the prefer bullets  types. This the type of shit that have could have me on National Territories List. But, the money and being in this position to "rub shoulders ," with these type people is worth it.

       I do not know much about these selected individuals. What I am sure these individuals are experts of our society. These are not ordinary citizens.  These  people are  from all walks of life or professions living and  coexisting  under one umbrella of rules. They are our supreme judges, surgeons, writers, actors, athletes, lawyers, government officials,  etc.   I am not sure of all their rules but, I know one for sure and that is to remain on top.  They do that by networking and making each other get money . It's like they are preparing themselves for something.

 2 years later  and I am still delivering not because I need the money but because a friend needs my helping hands and I value my loyalty to Dave .  I remain very impersonal with conversations  and gathering with the Elite members. Once a year they would send out a news letter which invite the members to the "Gathering of the Communities," and announce the members of the year.  This is a fancy way to say a lavish party where anythings goes. They would have the newest personality  host the party and give recognition to menbers for their outstanding year .  Dave is always consider a special quest. He is like the prince of the village. Everyone respect and fear him. Everyone but Pit.

     Pit call often to check up any and everbody .  I notice when mentioning Dave and Sunshyne to Pit become annoyed. I figure he just jealous because we hanging good.  I remind him he will be home soon and he has descent amount of money, he is handsome and everyone respect him in the "HOOD." 

I see the money and power these people have . Its clear  I 'm not living like these people neither. But, I respect their hard work and dedication to their success.  Nothing for me to be jealous or Envy over.

     Pit has never been invite to the "Gathering of the Communities," but he  knows Dave is the "Big Fish, " and he wants his spot. I am known as the" Deliver Boy." Many of the members would tell me stories about seeing me on their surveillance camera delivering their orders. See little did they know a year into delivering Dave took me through the ends and out of the gun trade. If  something happen to Dave today or tomorrow I could run this buisness. But if something happen with the FEDS I am just the "delivery boy." For these reason I respect Dave he is the big homie. He put me in a position and taught me the game like a Boss do. 

   Thats something Ka'ron has never did  for his self or anyone else. But he is too stubborn to put his proud aside,  humble his self and allow someone to teach him. 🤷‍♂️I guess we all have our demons.

     Shay would say mines is selfishness. Within this 2 year span, Shay left the apartment and moved back to Jacksonville. We were awarded 8.5 million dollars which we split down the middle. She owns a hair salon in the shopping center me and my family own. My mother runs the Daycare, my auntie has a soulfood  resturant and Mel open a barbara shop. Teens volunteer at the after school center between 3pm to 7pm. The shopping center is doing great just as Sunshyne said it would.

   I open two funeral homes. One back home in Duval and the other one in Chicago. Sadly, I knew those two cities would definitely keep my business running. The cities crime rate average 97% over the years . I have to best going rates reassured death. My employees are well respected by me and in return they respect others. I am never really there. I learn from Dave if you hire trustworthy people a business will run itself. Beside, I am too busy educating myself on my next investment or taking my boys on their next trip around the world. We do not spend a lot rime together but when we were together I created memoroes they will never forget.

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