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Picturesque- visually attractive, especially in a quaint, or charming way.

    Most of my mornings or late nights are spent in the airport. This particular Sunday morning I was in the Atlanta, Georgia airport with boys we were returning from Dubai. There stood Miranda along with her travel luggage in one hand a red cup of hot tea in the other.

She dress in  scrubs nurse attire. Her hair is this messy bun with no make on. She has slim down probably going to the gym. I approached with out noticing and say

Kendale : Good morning beautiful.

Miranda: Good morning Kendale. 

Kendale: You do not seem happy to see me ?

Miranda : Happy to see for what?

I tell the boys to head to the car and hands Jr my keys.

Miranda : Do you not recall our last encounter?  I told you then I never wanted to see you again! I meant that.

Kendale : I get! But I never got the chance to man up and apologize for that day. I think about you from time to time praying you are okay and takung care yourself. I see my prayer has been working.

Miranda : Yes, I am doing well. I am currently a travel nurse and do not need any drama in my life. Thank you,  have a great day Dale.

She say and starts to walk away. I grab her by her arm forgetting she has the hot tea in her hand. Bad ideal, the tea spills and piss her off. I apologize take my shirt and try to assist with the stain. Afterwards I ask for her number but wasn't prepare for response.

Miranda whisper in my ear: For years I wanted you dead, completely hated the thought of you but when I heard what happen your son I found a sense of peace within now run alone pussy.

Those words was the hardest words I ever had to swallow. Everything in me wants to beat this bitch ass right here right now.

I looked her square in her eyes and replied " You enjoy the rest of your day with tgat heavy heart," turn around and walked away. Tears begin to run down my face. Angry begin to full up in my spirit and for days I wasn't myself. About a week went by and I receive a text from Miranda. Saying something on the lines of she wantes to talk to me and apologize for saying what she said at the airport and if I call give her call if I find in my heart to forgive her. I waited about 4 days and called her.

Miranda : "Thank you for calling me. I want to say you are completely and 100% correct. I living everyday with this heavy heart. With so much hatred towards you because of the experience and the emotional troll my family endured. But, does not me the right to judge or hate you to wish bad upon you. I apologize for my behavior and those words I spoke to you. Please forgive me."

Kendale : I forgive you. Ask how she got my number? Then replied "Have a great day." Then disconnect the call.

At this point I do not trust her. I don't nothing to do with her. I call Sunshyne and told her never to give my number out without my permission.

The conversation with Miranda only piss me off it did not make anything any better. I was on some fuck everybody and everything. I am angry all over again. I respected her up to that point because she never open her mouth about that day with her cousin. I never got the chance to tell her I wasn't the person who actually shot him I figure what dofferent would that make if I stole from him.

Three months went by and I receive a text message from Miranda inviting me to her graduation and dinner in two weeks. I never sent a  response.

Funny how the mind works. After I receive the text my mind begin to inquire about her. Over the next week I checking her social media page's. I am responding to her good morning text messages. I stayed to see things from her point of view by taking my emotions out situation. I am to the realization that it took a strong woman to do what she did and a apologize for action. I became so attracted to her.

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