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Abdicate - fail to fulfil or undertake a responsibility or duty.

      Six weeks of training, completed. I finish top of the class. I learned every policy, or regulation, that was being taught. The day of our graduation the company threw us a small graduation party and allow us to leave early. I ate and left just like a real "black person," does. I stop by the apartment to make sure everything was perfect for Shay and the boys.

The apartment is fully furnish, I, painted the boys room blue and place a picture we took in Key West on the their nite stand.

Pulling up at Shay place in an Uhaul, made Ke'Vel so happy.

Kel'Vel scream "I have the best dad ever," as he wrap his arm and legs around me.

"Thanks son, I told you I had everything under control! Now, lets do some packing!"

Shay and Ke'ron both hug me with a big smile on their faces. We pack for hours. Throwing out, furniture, clothes, and food, getting rid of all unnecessary items. Shay had me to move some of the furniture to her neighbor apartment upstairs. Me and the neighbors' boyfriend had one more dresser to take when the boys deicide they wanted to say "Goodbye," to their friends. I told them not to be gone long and only go to the park

"Nobody's apartment, understand!"

They reply "Yes, Sir!" then shot down the sidewalk like a rocket towards the park. We continue moving the dresser before we could make the second flight of stairs we heard gun shots, coming from the direction of the park. I drop the dresser, jump off the stairs and ran as fast as I could to the park.

Shay was behind me yelling "KE'RON!" We taught the boys, whatever one goes the other must follow. Since Ke'ron is older, he better watch his little brother !

As I appoach the park I could hear Ke' ron screaming for me. His tone was, as if was scared. I knew something was wrong.

"Daaadddddyyy! Pleaseee hellppp meee! Ke'ron says with hopes I would hear him needing help.

"I am coming son!" I replied to let him know everything will be okay.

My sons were covered in blood! Ke'ron was holding Kel'vel motionless body. I grab Kel'vel from Ke' ron arms. Tears started to fall from my face. Tear after tear, I couldnt stop their flow.  

"Son it will be okay!" Not, sure if I believed that, now that I think about.

"Son hold on ! I am taking you to the hospital right now. They will make you better! Just hold on Please....
can you do that for Daddy? Please son just hold on!"

Shay scream "Nooo not my baby!"

Kel'vel starts to shake !"

I can hear the ambulance apporaching, as Shay screams as loud as the siren!!

"You hear that son they coming!"

I begin to run toward the sound of ambulance siren.

"Hold on son!" I continue to say as tears started to flow faster down my face!

Kel'Vel eyes began to roll in the back his head, and I can feel his cold blood, through my shirt.  I am so scared! I begin to plea with God, begging Him  not to take my son.

"Please Lord he is innocent. I come to you in my time of need, Lord please spare his life Lord! I will give my life Lord please Not my baby boy!"

I meet the ambulance at the apartment enterance. I ran to the back  the ambulance, climb in and laid Ke'Vel on the strechter.

The paramedics work diligently to keep Ke'Vel conscious! I continue to coach Ke'Vel while they work.

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