Reason three,

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Dear Michael,

You were like my bigger brother, I shared everything with you. Not knowing that you would soon plaster my information all over the school's walls. I don't think you know how Selfish you are.

I trusted you but I guess you like to betray little girls. I'm sorry max I really am. Do you know how many guys called me asking for me to strip for them? I can just imagine you laughing your cute little laugh like you used to with me.

We were childhood friends Michael, but you threw that down the drain, Or plaster it everywhere which one sounds more realistic? Max, I never thought I would betray you like this, As you read this I hope you know you don't have any second chances right?? You made wherever I went hell, wanna know why? Guys would whistle at me, hold out their phones, snap pictures.

I really thought you were the greatest guy along with Ashton, But I guess you guys now have one thin gin common, Break girls hearts. Especially mine. ASH DID WHAT TO YOU? And if you're asking, Ashton hurt me as much as you did michael.

Meet me at the Church down on main street on the 25th, Maybe you could make it up to me, i don't know.

Sincerely Hated,
Max moore

I'm sorry max, you know I loved you. Putting you number everywhere was supposed to be a joke. It wasn't until after I put up the last poster that I could lose you and I did. Michael says to himself, hoping Max was listening to him but she wasn't, she was having the time of her life away from the madness she called her life. Michael almost cried, but he hasn't cried in a long time and he never did. But he knew he was going to that church.

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