Reason thirteen,

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Dear Phoenix,

If I recall, you're the one who killed my sister? How can you live with yourself? you escaped but didn't care to think Oh should I get Olivia? Well you should've saved her along with yourself. I know Max. Everything terrible started happening after her death, She was the glue that held everyone together.

I know you meant for the night to just be fun, how prom should be looked at, but you drank, you should've told Olivia to call someone to pick you guys up. That would've been the right thing to do. But since you didn't do the right thing, I had to live without my best friend for eight months, before I couldn't take it anymore. Max you didn't please tell me you didn't.

I'm forever lost in the stars now Phoenix. Forever relaxed. I'm hanging out with Olivia again. Hopefully, to make it up to us both, you'll meet us at the church down on main street on the 25th, Apologize to her, because I didn't see you attending her funeral.

Are you Heartless?

Sincerely Hated,

Max Moore.

The reason Phoenix didn't attend his girlfriend's funeral, because he knew he cause the death. He knew everyone would yell at him for the accident, and sure enough eight months later people still do. So he went to get an appropriate outfit to apologize to both girls for everything. I'm sorry Olivia, I'm sorry Max, He screamed.

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